Chapter 2

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Hello, I decided to update even though I havent gotten 2 comments, and 4 votes.

So thats the new goal!

2 comments and 4 votes!

I hope you enjoy it so far... I spent a lot of time writing it!

Thank you!

Love you all xx

Chapter 2:

Liam's POV:

I scanned through the letter, and I swear my heart almost stopped beating. I didn't know if this letter brought good, or bad news.

"" I muttered, and dropped the paper on the ground.

The boys gave me strange looks, and Louis quickly picked it up from the ground.

"Dearest One Direction,

Lately I have been thinking about the progress you have made over the past few years, and let me tell you, it is fantastic.

I have been thinking of ways to make you boys even bigger in the industry, and I've come to 1 conclusion. Adding a sixth member.

I recall one of you telling me that you aren't quite up to the idea of having a sixth member, but from experience, I think this is going to be good.

The sixth member is indeed, female, and she is my niece. She is a huge fan of yours and she doesn't yet know that she is going to be working with you. I have promised her for a long time that she can get in the industry, and I see this as her chance.

She is a very capable and good singer, her name is Darcy, Darcy Cowell. She is 19 now, so she is the same age as you lads, I expect that you will treat her well, though she is off limits.

Yours truly,

One Direction Manager,

Simon Cowell"

"Darcy..." Louis muttered

"Darcy." Harry said firmly. "She's our new band member. Come on lads, it can't be that bad! She is Simon's niece after all, and we have to do what he says if we want our jobs!"

I nodded, and observed my surroundings. I could see Louis and Niall talking to each other, Zayn checking himself out in the mirror, and Harry in deep thought.

I guess Zayn didn't really care about this, but the other boys where still thinking.

I thought this would be a good idea, having a new member would be good, especially a girl, she would help me keep them all in order.

Suddenly, Louis and Niall stopped talking to each other, and Louis began to speak, "We've decided to go through with the idea... after all, he is our manager, and it would be nice!" he said, and then walked off, taking Eleanor with him.

"Uh, yeah... I'm gonna get some food." Niall said, heading to the kitchen and looking in the pantry and cupboards.

"Niall, there is some left over Nandos in the fridge!" I called out.

"How on earth could anyone not finished their Nandos and have leftovers?" Niall called back, sighing.

I chuckled to myself, this boy would actually never stop eating, and the media and fans knew it.

"Wait!" Harry suddenly called, making everyone look at him, even Louis and Eleanor walked back downstairs.

"I think I want to meet this girl..." Harry said slowly, pulling out his phone.

I smiled, as did everyone else, maybe this idea won't be so bad after all.


Darcy's POV

My name is Darcy, Darcy Cowell. Yes.. I'm Simon Cowell's niece and to be honest, life isn't much different.

I get to meet different celebrities sometimes, not to mention our family is stinking rich. Once, Simon bough us a bouncy castle, and put money on it. We jumped on in til all the money fell off...

Anyway, back to the point.

I finished school a few years ago and life have been going well. I am really into singing, and Simon promised me that he would sign me one day.

One day...

For now, I work in a bakery. Nothing special.

It may seem weird for Simon's niece to be working in a bakery, but it was kinda my choice.

I don't see my parents much because they are off travelling the world, I live with Simon. I really love him, he is basically my dad, even though he is my dad's brother.

I'm just an ordinary looking girl, I'm not pretty or anything. Just long wavy brown hair and bright blue eyes. I don't really look like Simon, I look more like my mum.

When I'm not working or hanging around with friends, I spend my time stalking One Direction.


Stalking One Direction.

I really love them, and Simon said the time will come when I get to meet them. For some reason he hasn't been letting me.. he says there is a surprise that I am gonna love!

Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Hello? This is Darcy Cowell."

"Oh hi Darcy, this is Simon."

"Oh hi Simon!"

"Well, I have some big news for you!"

"Really? What is it?"

"Well, you'll have to wait and see!"

"Argh fine! But Uncle Si, you know that I hate surprises!"

"Come on, just meet me at my office, you know where that is, right?"

"Yes I do, I'll be there soon."


"Will do Simon, but don't make it so exciting... it's not like I'm meeting One Direction today or anything."

"Haha I know, well see you there!"

-End of phone call-

I slipped on some floral jeans and a nice flowy peach coloured top, and hoped into my car.

I wonder what Simon needs to tell me...


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