Chapter 18

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What is that beeping?" I heard an unfamiliar voice ask. Everything was hazy. I felt like I was opening my eyes but I couldn't see. Was I blind? "She has a lot of blood coming out of her head. I can't stop the bleeding," I heard another unfamiliar voice say. "How long until we're there?" someone asked.

"Fifteen minutes," I heard. "Make it seven," someone said. I tried to move my hand but it felt heavy. A bright light was trying to cut through the haziness. "Emily..Emily, can you hear me?" someone asked me. They knew my name. Who were they? "Good God what is that beeping, is it her heart?" someone asked.


I felt myself coming too and tried to reach out my hand again. This time it moved just a little bit. "Emily? You just moved your fingers, can you hear me?" they asked me again. I wiggled my fingers again because that seemed to be the only thing that I could do right now. "Good good," the person said.

The beeping persisted and the person groaned. "Emily, do you hear that? Can you tell me what it is?" the voice asked me. I moved my fingers again. I pointed but I didn't know if I was pointing in the correct direction. "Emily, what is that?" they asked me again. I groaned out of frustration wishing that they could understand me.

"Emily, you were in a bad accident. You have a cut on your head that is bleeding pretty badly. You may have a concussion but they fact that you are awake right now is a good thing. I need you hang in there until we get to the hospital, okay?" the said. I tried to nod my head but the heaviness in my body was taking over again.



I gasped and felt myself sit up in a very uncomfortable bed. "Welcome back," I blinked a few times seeing a bright light in my face. I reached a hand up to shield my eyes but was caught by a bunch of wires. "Easy, Emily. You're in the hospital. You've been in an accident. Do you know what happened?" the doctor asked me.

I shook my head and kept my eyes closed because the light was bothering me. Something warm was wrapped around me and I slowly opened my eyes. "There we are, how are you feeling Emily?" there was a man standing in front of me with a white lab coat on. I assumed he was a doctor.

"I'm sore," I said. The doctor smiled softly. "Rightfully, so. You were in a bad accident," he said. "What happened?" I asked him noticing that my voice was very horse. I had an IV in and an oxygen tube in my nose. "A gentleman ran a red light and t-boned you. Your car rolled and you landed on the roof," he said.

I winced just thinking about the pain that this has caused. I was gonna be hurting worse later. "And the man?" I asked him. He smiled and reached forward to pat my hand. "Don't worry about that, he is being taken care of. You need to worry about healing yourself," he said as he picked up my chart to look at it.


My eyes became wide as I heard that all familiar beeping. "Emily, what is it?" the doctor asked as I looked around the room. I spotted my purse in the corner and pointed at it. The doctor grabbed it and handed it to me. I dug through it frantically looking for the familiar object. I pulled it out and held it out to the doctor.

He grabbed it and examined it.  "Emily, are you a heart patient?" he asked me. I shook my head and dug for my cell phone. I saw a few text messages from Denny and a couple of missed calls from my boss. "What time is it?" I asked the doctor in a panic. He looked at his watch before returning his attention to me.

"You didn't answer my question, but it is a little after eight," he said. Shit, Barbara was probably wondering what happened to me. I opened my texts from Denny to see him asking if I made it to work okay. Then he asked me if I was okay. Then sent another one saying that he assumed I was busy and he would see me when I got home.

Oh if he only knew. I listened to the voicemails from Barbara, her asking if everything was okay and then saying it's not like me not to show up and not tell her and she hoped that something wasn't wrong with Denny but that she would cover everything. If only she knew what was going on too.

"Emily, I need you to answer me. Are you a heart patient?" he asked me again. I quickly dialed Denny's number and stuck the phone to my ear. "Hi love," he breathed, "is everything okay? It's not like you to call me while you're at work," he said. I heard the monitors of my heart beat increasing.

"Emily, what was that? Are you okay? It doesn't sound like you're at the library," he said. I heard keys rattling. "Denny, you need to hurry, but be careful of the rain," I said. I heard a door shut and his truck start. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked me. "I'm fine," I lied, "but Denny you need to hurry to the hospital. You left your pager in my purse while we were out this weekend," I said. "What are you saying, darling?" he asked me.

"Denny, it's going off. You're getting a new heart."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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