Chapter 9

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Hello my loves! Here is another chapter of my Denny Duquette story! I am keeping this author's note short because I think I need to make up for lack of Denny!

Enjoy this chapter! xxxxxxxxxxxx


"So, how many kids do we want, Wife?" Denny asked me. I smiled. Things had settled and we were now moving on from the sad and trying to look for the happy. I popped a piece of candy in my mouth.  I had ended up raiding the vending machines for Denny and me. We were stuffing our faces with sugary goodness.

"Tons, we want tons of kids!" I said. Denny chuckled and grabbed a piece of candy for himself. "Three boys, five girls," he said. I stuck my tongue out at him. "No, four boys, four girls!" I argued. "Fine, fine. You win!" he said while sitting back in his hospital bed and getting more comfortable. I chuckled.

"We're gonna need a bigger house with at least ten bedrooms and five bathrooms!" I exclaimed. Denny chuckled and reached out to pat my hand. "Okay, okay, one thing at a time. I need to get detached and out of here first," Denny said instantly changing the tone of our conversation. I frowned and got off the bed.

"Wait, Emily," Denny said softly and reached out for my wrist but he barely grasped it as I walked towards the window. I instantly started thinking about Denny dying all over again. "Emily, please, come back over here. This isn't fair. You know I can't get out of the bed," Denny said as I heard him trying to move around all of the wires.

I turned around with my arms crossed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, but for me it's been reality four seven years now. I guess I'm used to it by now and I can kind of joke about it," he said. I frowned again. "It's not funny," I told him sadly. I didn't want to think about that. "Come here," Denny said holding his arms out to me. I slowly made my way back to the bed. Denny reached out and placed his hands on my shoulders. He pulled me down to make me sit on the bed before sliding over and pulling me against his chest. "Relax," he breathed which was followed by a coughing fit.

I sat up, grabbed his water, and handed it to him. He took a few small sips, his coughing stopped and he sat back with a discomforting look on his face. "Thanks," he whispered while swallowing hard. "Is this normal?" I asked while turning to look at him. He nodded while wiping his mouth.

"Unfortunately, it's one of the side effects. My heart isn't pumping enough blood which means my lungs aren't getting enough oxygen making it hard to breathe," he said. I frowned as I laid back down on his chest and put my ear right where his heart was. I listened intently as his heart beat irregularly.

"I just want you better," I whispered. Denny"s hand moved up and down my arm. "I know, trust me, me too. I would love to feel normal again," he whispered back. I sighed and closed my eyes trying to control all the thoughts inside my head. "I will get out of here, with or without a new heart," Denny said deteminedly.

I sat up a little bit to look at him. "Well let's hope it's with a new heart," I said while leaning forward and placing a light kiss on his cheek. A light knock on the door broke us apart. I sat up in the bed just as Denny told whoever it was to come in. A doctor in a white lab coat with a clipboard in hand walked in with a blank look on her face.

I got off the bed and sat in the chair beside his bed. Denny's hand reached out for mine and I galdly took in. "Mr. Duquette, I would like to say it's nice to see you again, but I was really hoping that you would be gone by my next shift," she said with a smile. Denny smiled in return. "Nice to see you too, Doc," Denny said.

The doctor turned to me. "Hello, who are you?" she asked me. I smiled nervously. "This is Emily, my wife," Denny said while rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand. I could feel my heartbeat picking up. "It's nice to meet you, Emily. How long have you two been married?" she asked me. "J-just a couple of months," I said through a shaky breath. The doctor smiled. "There's no reason to be nervous, but I'm sure this has been a lot to take in since meeting Denny, right?" she asked.

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