Chapter 3

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Hello my lovelies! I hope you're enjoying this story! I would love to hear from you!

Thanks to @Jfarley for blowing up my feed I know you'll do it again!

Alright next chapter!

Reedus kisses for everyone!

Here we go Nords!


After a delicious breakfast Denny and I laid back down on the blanket beside the dying fire. He grabbed two pillows and we both laid on them facing each other. "Do you have to work today?" Denny asked me. I shook my head. "No, I'm off until tomorrow," I said.

My eyes were closed, but I felt a small smile form on my lips as Denny's hand came to rest on my legs. "Then what do you say to staying with me all day? Maybe I can con you into helping me unpack a little," he said. I opened one of my eyes to see him staring at me.

"What?" he asked. "I'll stay and help but only on one condition" I said. "Which is?" he asked. I sat up a little. His hand ran up and down my leg slowly. "You have to feed me dinner," I said. Denny chuckled. "I think that can be arranged," he said through his laugh.

I reached down and squeezed his hand before standing up. "Good, it's settled. Where do you want to begin?" I asked him. Denny stood up as well. "Well I think the living room is as good of place as any. So we have a place to settle when we're done," he said.

I nodded in agreement. "Okay, do you like where the furniture?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yeah, we just need to unpack all the boxes," he said. I nodded and we both set to work getting everything unpacked. He had a lot of books which I was enjoying looking at while unpacking them.

It didn't take us long to get all the boxes emptied and the living room was complete. Halfway through us unpacking boxes Denny had found his record player and turned it on. The music was soothing and just from hearing his taste in music I was learning more and more about him.

He was a jazz and blues kind of guy, which fit his personality perfectly. We moved into the kitchen to unpack the rest of the dishes before heading to his bedroom. His dresser was in the corner, but his bed was propped against the wall. I placed my hands on my hips and looked up at him.

"So if your bed is propped against the wall and the couch was covered in boxes, then where have you been sleeping this whole week?" I asked him. He gestured towards the floor. "I've made due on the floor," he said. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"You've had all week to put it together," I said a little dumbfounded. Denny smiled and stepped towards me. "Well, I've been a little busy visiting a pretty lady," he said while reaching out to me. His cold hands laid on my hips gently and I felt myself tense from the cold.

I cracked a smile. "Well that's very sweet but I'm sure your back is killing you," I said. Denny chuckled. "Are you calling me old?" he asked me. I rolled my eyes and pushed his hands away from my hips. "Totally, old man. Now let's get started with this bed!" I said.

I popped the bed frame together in less than a minute before I grabbed the box springs and laid them over the frame. I looked up at Denny who was leaning against the wall with a smile. He had a king size bed and I was jealous but I knew it was going to be too heavy for one person to lift.

Denny pushed himself off the wall and walked over to one side of the mattress. "Well I can't let you do all the heavy lifting," he said. I grabbed the other end. "Okay, one, two, three, lift," I said. We both lifted the mattress and started walking it towards the box springs.

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