Chapter 11

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Here's a new chapter of YMH! It's kind of a filler but I like it!


My eyes opened slowly and I yawned. I had no idea what time it was, but my body naturally woke me up. I squinted my eyes and looked at the clock that was sitting on the night stand. It was only three in the morning. Denny and I had only been asleep for a few hours. His body was now wrapped around me.

I didn't remember laying down last night. The last thing I remember was Denny's head in my lap. I must've gotten more comfortable before falling asleep. Denny's light snores interrupted my thoughts. One of his arms was locked tight around my waist and his legs were tangled with mine.

I slowly turned around in his arms trying now to disturb him. Once I turned around I smiled when I saw his face. He seemed quite relaxed and resting well, better than what he looked in the hospital. I slowly reached out and pushed some of his hair out of his face. He stirred slightly but kept his eyes closed.

I held my breath for a second hoping not to wake him up. His breath evened back out and I released mine. I snuggled down deeper in the covers and into his arms more. His arms tightened around me as I tucked myself under his chin. He shifted and his lips landed on my forehead where he left a soft kiss.

I instantly pulled back and was met by his tired eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I said. He smiled tiredly and kissed my forehead again. "I woke up as soon as you turned around. I'm a light sleeper," he said. I snuggled into his chest more. "It's only three in the morning. We still have plenty of time to sleep," I said.

Denny chuckled. "Do you have to work tomorrow?" he asked. I instantly shook my head. "No, I only work part time. I'm off for the next few days," I said. He nodded and let his head rest against mine. "Then let's slee until our bodies let us and when we wake up we only get out of the bed for food and the bathroom," he said. I chuckled softly but nodded as I let his body warmth pull me back into deep sleep.


The next time I woke up, I could tell it was later in the day. The sun was shining through the curtains and warmed the bedroom. I stretched and felt the spot beside me finding that it was cold. I instantly sat up in bed in confusion. Denny wasn't in the bedroom. The title screen of the movie was still flashing on the T.V.

I pushed the blankets back and swung my legs over the bed. I checked the conjoining bathroom to find it empty as well. "I swear, Denny," I mumbled as I walked tiredly through the house. Where could he be? Light whistling heightened my senses and it directed me towards the kitchen.

There I found Denny standing over the stove making some breakfast or lunch. I wasn't sure what time it was to be honest. "Denny," I said as I leaned against the doorframe. He jumped and turned around with his hand on his heart. "Jesus! Are you trying to give a dying man a heart attack?" he asked trying to catch his breath.

I instantly felt guilty and made my way towards him. "Woah, hey, it's okay, just breathe. I didn't mean to scare you," I said as I wrapped my arms around him trying to get him to relax. His breath slowly evened out and I pulled back to look at him. "Better?" I asked and he nodded while leaning back against the counter.

"Now what were you doing?" I asked him as I looked around him to the stove. He sighed and ran a hand through his bed head. "I was trying to make breakfast for us and I was going to bring it to you in bed," he said. I shook my head and gently pushed him back towards the bedroom. This stubborn man.

"You need to be resting. Go back to bed, I'll finish breakfast and bring it to you," I said. Denny sighed but nodded as he started dragging his feet back towards the bedroom. I turned to the stove to see that he was working on making pancakes and some eggs. I chuckled and shook my head.

You're My Heaven (A Denny Duquette Love Story) [Grey's Anatomy]Where stories live. Discover now