Chapter 6

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Hello my lovelies! Long time no read. Whatever you wanna say! Are you guys still with me?! I'm not just writing for @Jfarley am I? I wanna see some new readers come out of the wood works! Comment and say hi!

I want to thank you guys for all the love and support! I am really loving this story. Some things it's just hard for me to get through and work my way around it! Bear with me!

Thanks to @JFarley for always blowing up the comment section!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! This will most likely be the last update until the holidays are over. As some of you know I work for the Post Office and this is our most busiest time of the year! I am exhausted! But the money is nice! Again just please bear with me!

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Things are about to get intense!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Two. Weeks.

It had been two weeks since my first official date with Denny. The next morning after our date, I woke up with a huge smile on my face, ready for him to come over with morning coffee. The only thing is, he didn't show. I figured he had to be to work early.

But he didn't even leave a note. Or a sunflower. Or any kind of sign that he was sorry that he hadn't shown up for our typical morning routine of coffee and small talk before he runs off to work leaving me in the getting smaller and smaller in his rearview mirror.

The thing is he didn't come over the next day, or the next...or the next.......or the next. I looked out the window over at his house to see all the lights off. I had texted him a few times and left a couple of voicemails telling him that I was just checking on him. But I never received a response.

I took in the looks of his lawn. The grass was getting long. I could see a few newspapers on his driveway. It looked like his truck hadn't been in the driveway in a while. I sighed and let the curtains over the window fall closed. Maybe he was on vacation?

I shook my head as I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. Maybe he moved? Changed his name? Changed his phone number? That always seemed like the type of guys I attracted. I took my cup of coffee upstairs and decided to get an early start on getting ready for work.

Denny was heavy on my mind. I didn't know where he was and I didn't understand why he wasn't texting me or calling me back. I quickly got a shower and twisted my hair up in a towel before I got dressed. I felt myself my inner self pulling me towards my bedroom window.

I quickly glanced out the window to still see no Denny. I closed the curtains and groaned as I walked back to the bathroom and continued to get ready for work. I still had a couple of hours before I needed to leave but seeing as it wasn't raining today, I figured I could get out of the house a little bit.

After finishing getting ready, I decided to make a quick grocery store run and get some essential items for the house. Coffee....and a few other things. I put on my shoes, grabbed my purse, and walked outside to my car. I caught myself looking over at Denny's house again.

I quickly glanced away and got in my car backing out of the driveway. Part of me hoped that Denny would drive past me and pull into his driveway. But he didn't. The drive to town was short and I was to the grocery store before I knew it. The rain was holding off today, Thank God.

I walked through the grocery store blindly and grabbed a few items I needed. Denny stayed on my mind as I passed through the dairy section. Eggs. Something so simple made me think about him again. My mind wandered to the day we danced in the rain and he made me breakfast afterwards.

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