Chapter 8

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Holy heads on pikes, Batman! If you haven't seen the second to last episode of Walking Dead then you better go watch it! Because holy guacamole it was amazing! I can't believe there's only one episode left this season! They need to let Negan out of the cage to deal with Alpha!!

Thank you for all the continued love and support! I kind of hit a slump there for a while! I also just had a small surgery and figured out that I'm gonna have to move out of my house soon! Life has been a little bit crazy! I've been sick and my daughter has been sick! We seem to be passing it back and forth to each other.

If you have to go back and read the previous chapter, I would! I am quite proud of this chapter! I think it's bringing a lot of things together!

Hope you guys are sticking with me and will enjoy this chapter!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


"Wife?" The nurse asked me with a look on her face that told me she didn't believe me. I sighed and nodded. "Yes, I'm his wife," I said while running my hand through my hair. The ring that I wore everyday on my middle finger got caught. I gently pulled it out of my hair and discretely switching it to my left ring finger.

The nurse grabbed the chart and started flipping through it. "Hm, Denny Duquette Jr. Born December 21, 1969, age 33. Parents, deceased, siblings, none. It doesn't list anything about a wife in here," she said closing the chart and crossing her arms over her chest.

I held out my hand with the ring on it. "Well then how do you explain the ring?" I asked her rhetorically. She placed Denny's chart back in its place before taking a seat at the computer. "Look I would love to help you, but you're not listed on his charts. So, I can't give you any information or tell you what room he's in," she said just as the phone rang.

I rolled my eyes. "Just one moment," she said while turning her attention to the phone. Her back turned to me and I took that as my opportunity. I slowly peeked over the counter to see if Denny's room number was listed on his chart. Bingo! Room 392.

I turned and looked at the signs before taking off down the hall towards his room. "Hey!" the nurse called out but I didn't turn around. I just kept walking. 389.....390.....391.....I stopped right outside of 392. I knocked a couple of times quietly before hearing an authoritative voice telling me to come in.

There he was, laying in the bed looking pale as ever. His brown hair had gotten longer, and a little out of control. He was laying in a plain white t-shirt with the pulled up to cover his lap. But his smile, oh his smile. It shown and lit up the room as soon as his eyes landed on mine.

"Denny," I breathed as I went to cross the room. I was instantly blocked by someone in scrubs. "Can we help you with something?" the woman asked me with a clipboard in her hand. About that time the nurse from the station had made her way into the doorway.

"Hey! I thought I told you to stay up there!" she said. I felt trapped. "I'm...I'm," "Emily?" I heard that all so familiar voice say. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Emily, yes. I'm Emily," I said. The nurse in front of me turned to face Denny with a quizzical look.

"Mr. Duquette, you know the rules. If she's not family, she can't be here. This is the ICU," the nurse said. I held my hand up to my mouth once I saw all the wires and tubes he was attached too. "She's.......She's," but he wasn't able to get it out because a coughing fit hit him.

The nurse rushed over and gave Denny an oxygen mask to breathe into. "There you go, better?" she asked as he laid back on the bed and swallowed hard. "Water," he said. I rushed over and grabbed the cup of water with the straw and offered it to him.

You're My Heaven (A Denny Duquette Love Story) [Grey's Anatomy]Where stories live. Discover now