Chapter 2

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Here's chapter 2! I'm getting so excited about this story! It's terrible! I can't shut my brain down! If y'all only knew how much was hiding up in there! I wish I could make writing a career so I could just write it all out!

This is for @JFarley blow that comment section up girl!

Quiet readers! I want to hear from you! Speak!

Here's the next chapter, Nords!


It had been a week since Denny had moved across the street and every morning he had came by for coffee and every time he would leave his cup behind. I was starting to think that he was doing it on purpose and using it as an excuse to keep coming over.

This morning I had woken up early. In just a week I had learned that Denny woke up around seven in the morning and he was on the road no more than thirty minutes later. I had gotten up, showered, and got dressed making sure that I looked decent this morning.

I trotted down the steps when I heard that typical light knock on the door. I double checked myself in the hallway mirror before skipping to the door and opening it with a big smile on my face. Instead of being greeted by Denny's face, I was greeted by a bouquet of sunflowers.

My mouth dropped open as I reached forward and grabbed them to reveal Denny's face. "These are absolutely beautiful," I said. Denny smiled that smile that could make any girl weak in the knees. "Good morning, sweetheart," he said as we both walked through the house.

I grabbed a vase out of one of my cabinets before adding some water to it. "Six days in a row, Mr. Duquette. I think that is some sort of new record," I said as I clipped some of the stems off of the flowers before putting them in the water and placing them in the middle of the counter.

"Coffee?" I asked while turning to the coffee pot. "Actually," he said and I turned around to see that he was holding up two cups of coffee in his hands. I cocked an eyebrow at him. "I went out early this morning to get the flowers and the coffee," he said.

I smiled slightly as I grabbed one of the coffees out of his hand. "I figured I could return the favor," he said. I squeezed his arm as I walked past him and out the front door. He followed behind me and shut the door. He gestured to my porch swing and I nodded.

We both settled in and started lightly swinging back and forth while enjoying the silence and drinking our coffees. I had learned that Denny worked as a painter on houses while he had learned that I worked at the local library as a book keeper. I loved reading as did he.

The one thing I had yet to learn was why had he moved here. Who wanted to move to a rainy, gloomy place like Seattle. "What are you thinking?" Denny's scratchy deep voice had interrupted my thoughts. I looked over at him to find him already staring back at me.

"Why do you assume I'm thinking about something?" I said. Denny chuckled before reaching his hand up and touching my forehead with his index finger lightly. "Your eyebrows wrinkle together slightly when you're concentrating on something," he said.

I stuck out my tongue and swatted his hand away. "We've only known each other for a week. You shouldn't know that by now," I said. Denny placed his cup of coffee on the banister of the porch before turning to face me and placing his arm behind me.

"Come on, tell me," he said. I shook my head. "It's nothing really," I said. I felt his fingers gently start to run through my hair. "It has to be something since it had your mind clouded the whole entire time I was talking to you," he said. I smiled slightly.

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