Chapter 5

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Hello everyone! I hope you guys are doing well! I know it's been a hot minute since I updated last. It's been crazy around here between work, my little one, and now my parents have moved in with me! It's nuts!

Did everyone check out the Season 9 Premiere of The Walking Dead last night?! It. Was. Amazing! This season is about to be completely different from seasons past and I am definitely excited! I'm so sad that Andy Lincoln is leaving though! Although I have a theory behind that. I choose not to share though until I have all my thoughts worked out about it!

Thank you for all the love and support on my stories! I am loving that my stories are no longer private because all these readers are coming out of hiding now! Don't be shy! We don't bite! We would love to hear from you! I think @JFarley is getting sick of talking to herself! Lol!

Here's the next chapter, Nords!

Enjoy! Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


"Wow," Denny and I breathed at the same time causing us both to chuckle. "You look beautiful," he said. I smiled. "Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself," I said. Denny gestured back towards his truck which I saw was now parked in my driveway.

"Are we ready to go?" he asked me. I nodded and grabbed a jacket not knowing where we were going. He held out his arm for me which I gladly took as we walked down my porch. Denny walked around his truck to the passenger side and opened the door for me. He was such a gentleman. His eyes locked with mine and he smiled as I slid into the seat.

He shut the door gently and made his way around to the driver side and hopped in the truck. "So, where are we headed?" I asked as Denny backed his truck out of my driveway and pointed it towards town. He reached over and grabbed my hand gently in his.

"It's a surprise," he said. I chuckled. "I don't like surprises," I said. Denny looked over at me. "Well, you'll like this one," he said ending it with a wink. The conversation ended on a light note as some soft jazz music filled his truck. It had stopped raining for once it seemed.

Soon Denny was turning into the parking lot of a local Italian restaurant and he put the truck in park. He pulled my hand to his lips. "Stay here," he said while kissing the back of my hand and squeezing it lightly before jumping out of the truck and making his way into the restaurant.

I placed my jacket in my lap and fiddled with the radio dial wondering if he would be upset if I changed the radio station. I decided to leave it where it was and sit back in my seat. I was nervous. Sure, him and I had had countless conversations together but somehow this felt different.

Soon I saw Denny walking out of the restaurant with a couple of bags in his hand. He jumped back in the truck and sat the two bags between us. "Okay," he breathed as he started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot. I slowly reached for one of the bags to look inside when Denny grabbed my hand again stopping me from looking inside of them.

"So where are we headed?" I asked him as I watched out the window at some familiar twists and turns he was taking. "I hope you don't mind eating outside. But I wanted something a little more intimate. I didn't want to eat in a stuffy old restaurant," he said.

I smiled and continued looking out the window until I watched as Denny pulled into a small local park. It was close to seven at night. The sun was just starting to set as we got out of the car. "Will you get the blanket from the back?" Denny asked as he grabbed what I assumed was the food out of the front.

I nodded and reached over the front seat to grab the blanket that was sitting in the back seat. I shut the door and followed Denny to a well lit area under a tree. Denny grabbed the blanket out of my hands and spread it out before gesturing for me to sit down.

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