Chapter 7

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Hello my darlings! I'm sorry that it's been so long, I have been very busy preparing this update. This one has taken me awhile just because it was a much needed chapter that needed to be wrote a certain way. I hope that you guys understand. This chapter I knew was going to be a difficult one to write as soon as I started writing this story, but I told myself that I would cross that bridge when I came to it. Well, here we are. It took me a month to get it finished but I am finally satisfied with it!

Thank you for all the continued love and support! Especially to @JFarley! Keep those comments coming! I loved hearing from the new readers!

Now onto this crazy chapter!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxx


Denny's lips were on mine as he backed me into a wall. "God," he breathed as we pulled apart. "I've been wanting to do that since I first met you," he said. I smiled up at him as I tried to catch my breath. I looked over his shoulder to make sure we weren't giving the neighborhood a show.

The streets were dark with only a few street lights lit here and there. "Come inside," I whispered as I turned the handle to my door and let it fall open. I grabbed Denny's hand and pulled him into the house with me as I shut the door behind us quickly.

"Would you like some wine?" I asked as I pulled two glasses out of the cabinet not really giving him a choice. I poured us both a healthy amount of wine before handing him a glass. "We've already finished off a whole bottle, do you really thing we should have more?" Denny asked me as he brought the glass to his lips.

I smiled. "We're home now. I think we'll be fine," I said as I raised my glass to my lips and took a long gulp before placing the glass down on the counter. "Mm, home I like the sound of that," Denny said as he placed his glass on the counter as well and wrapped his arms around me.

It took every fiber of my being to not grab Denny's hand and pull him upstairs to my bedroom. But I couldn't. That wasn't him and I knew he wouldn't allow it. I quickly picked up my glass and finished the rest of my glass trying to get rid of the thoughts in my head.

"You know I could see myself marrying you," Denny's voice broke my thoughts. I giggled as I danced past him to get to the living room. I plopped on the couch and he followed right behind me. "That's silly," I said as I curled my feet underneath of me.

"And why is that silly?" he asked me as he got comfortable beside me. "Because we've only knew each other for a month," I said. Denny propped his feet up on the coffee table in front of him. "So? Sometimes you just know," he said while he placed his arm around my shoulders.

I leaned into him to get more comfortable and closed my eyes with a content sigh. "If you say so, Mr. Duquette," I said with a smile. Denny chuckled and rubbed my shoulder gently with his arm. "I should really get going," he said as he laid his head against mine.

"Come on, we just got comfortable," I mumbled into his neck. "Okay fine, five more minutes," he said as he kissed my forehead. I smiled with my eyes still closed. "Good, I hope the clock stops," I said. Denny's chuckle rumbled through his chest.

"Are you trying to get me to stay the night?" he asked. My smile grew. "Is it working?" I asked quietly. Denny's hand rubbed up and down my arm again. "I'm sorry, darling, but no. I want to take things slow and slow is not spending the night with each other," he said.

I sighed and opened my eyes while pulling back to let him up. "Fine, if you must," I said as he stood up. He chuckled as he stretched his arms above his head. "I'm sorry, darling. Maybe one of these days," he said as he gestured towards the front door.

You're My Heaven (A Denny Duquette Love Story) [Grey's Anatomy]Where stories live. Discover now