Chapter 16

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*3 Months Later*

"Denny Duquette! What in the world are you doing?" I asked him as I walked into the backyard. Denny was standing over top of a board with a saw in his hands. He looked up at me with a smile on his face. Thick rimmed glasses were sitting low on his nose. "Hey you," he said as he dropped the saw and walked around the board so he was getting closer to me.

 "Hey you," he said as he dropped the saw and walked around the board so he was getting closer to me

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I dropped my bag at my feet just as he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up off the ground. "Hey beautiful," he said as he plopped me down gently and instantly connected his lips with mine. I pulled back with a shocked look on my face and smiled up at him. "Don't distract me, Mister, I asked you a question," I said as he kept his arms wrapped around me.

He pushed me gently over to where he was working. "A guy up town asked me to make a couple benches for in front of his store," he told me. I looked up at him. "That's really nice of you to do that," I told him. He shrugged. "He's paying me, so I can't complain," he said as he placed a free hand against the wood that he was working with.

"That's great, Denny!" I said as I leaned into him. Unfortunately the colder weather had came which meant that Denny was pretty much out of work. He did a lot of outside work with the painting company, but once the weather got cold people didn't need anything painted anymore. Occasionally someone would need something that was indoor painted but it was very rare. Denny's income decreased quite a lot in the colder months.

My job at the library was still good but it definitely didn't pay enough to support the both of us. Denny kissed my forehead and pushed his glasses up his nose. "I gotta get back to work. He needs these by the end of the week," he said. I nodded and stood up on my toes to kiss him gently.

"Have you had dinner yet?" I asked him as I pulled back. He shook his head. "No, I was waiting on you," he said softly. I smiled and stepped back from his grasp. "I'll go in and get something started then," I said as I grabbed my bag from the ground and made my way up the back porch steps.

I walked into the house and noticed that it was spotless. Denny and I weren't that messy, but yesterday when I walked in here there was a few things just laying around. Denny must have cleaned up a little bit today. I went back to the bedroom and stripped my work clothes off grabbing a pair of leggings and one of Denny's hoodies.

After putting some comfortable clothes on I twisted my hair up into a bun and made my way into the kitchen. I grabbed a pot and some ingredients and started making a simple dinner for us. I looked out the kitchen window to see Denny concentrating hard on the benches that he was working on.

He was sawing and sanding his heart out. Heart. A word that was very fragile in this household. Denny was still number two on the list to get a new heart. The only way he would become number one is if the person in front of him passed away or if Denny's health was worse than their's.

Denny had been going to the hospital for routine visits. The doctor said that luckily he wasn't getting any worse, but unfortunately he wasn't getting any better. Denny's health was okay but there were days that I could tell it was bothering him more than other days. Some days he barely got out of bed or off the couch. Other days he seemed to never stop and I had to make him quit for the day.

I stirred our food on the stove and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. Taking a long drink I leaned back against the counter and sighed. I hadn't really been staying at my house a lot lately. I would go over there on occasion, dust some things off, check the mail, but other than that I was staying at Denny's.

I had practically moved in with him. We weren't apart a lot unless I had to work or go somewhere without him. I pushed the pot off the hot eye and went to the back door to tell Denny that dinner was ready. I opened the door and walked out on to the porch and leaned against the banister watching him intently.

He had taken off his plaid long sleeved shirt and was just in his white tshirt and jeans. He was concentrating on his carpenters pencil and tap measure as he drew out a line on another piece of board he was working on. "Hey handsome," I said catching attention while he didn't have any power tools in his hands.

He looked up at me with a smile on his face. Sawdust was peppered in his hair and what little bit of scruff he had growing. He tucked the pencil behind his ear and crossed his arms over his chest. "Hey you, what's up?" he asked. I pointed towards the house. "Dinner's ready," I said. I watched as Denny unplugged his tools and made his way towards me.

He picked up his sweatshirt along the way and took a couple steps up the porch stairs and captured me in his arms. "Hi," he whispered as his forehead came and leaned against mine. "Hey yourself," I said as I whispered as I placed my arms around his torso and closed my eyes. I sighed happily as Denny's cool lips left a kiss on my forehead.

"Let's go eat," he said as he pulled back and gently pulled me into the house. Dinner's aroma had filled the air and Denny moaned in hunger as he went to the table and sat down. I grabbed each of our plates and went to the table. Denny grabbed his plate out of my hands and started inhaling it before it even hit the table.

"Hungry?" I asked him as I sat down across from him. He smiled up at me and wiped his mouth. "Sorry, I was starving," he said with a small smile. I took a slow bite and sighed again as my tastebuds lit up with the taste of dinner. Denny finished his plate and pushed his chair back to go get seconds.

I chuckled and continued to eat my dinner as Denny sat back down across from me. "How was your day?" he asked me softly as he took another bite of his food. I smiled. "It was good. The library was quiet," I said. Denny laughed softly. "Well I would hope so. It's the library," he said. I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"You think you're so funny," I said as I took a drink of my water. Denny quickly finished his second plate and pushed his chair back. "I'm going to take a shower and get all this sawdust off of me," he said. He stopped and kissed my forehead before taking his plate to the sink and then heading back to the bedroom. He was whistling as he walked into the bedroom.

I heard the water start and watched as the bedroom door shut. I chuckled and finished eating dinner in silence before getting up and heading to the sink to do the dishes. I went to the living room first and turned on the record player before heading back to the kitchen sink and starting the dishes.

Wise men say
only fools rush in
but I can't help
falling in love with you

Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help
Falling in love with you

I dried my hand just as I felt arms wrap around my waist. I was spun around and pressed against the counter. "Well hello," I said as Denny buried his face in my neck. He had showered and shavened. His face was now smooth. He pulled back and I reached a hand out to touch his cheek.

Denny pulled me off the counter and into the middle of the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I asked him. He smiled and started swaying us back and forth. "Dancing?" he said as he spun me in a circle. "Well I figured that much out," I said just as Denny silenced me with a kiss. I sighed and leaned into him as we continued to slow dance together in the middle of the kitchen.

Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help
Falling in love with you

You're My Heaven (A Denny Duquette Love Story) [Grey's Anatomy]Where stories live. Discover now