Chapter 4

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Hey! So I'm safe! I live in North Carolina and we are currently getting pummeled! We have four inches of rain in my area and it's still coming down hard! I still have power, cable, and internet! But it could go out at anytime so I'm trying to make this quick! My luck I'll lose power before I get this uploaded! Lol!

So Wattpad did this thing where they took away the private options for chapters. In my opinion it's stupid because they told me to put them on private in the first place when someone tried to steal my stories a few years ago!

Anyway, all my stories are now public again so hello to all the new readers! I would love to hear from y'all! But please y'all I love writing don't do anything stupid and steal my stories! It makes me angry and sad at the same time!

Alright here's the new chapter!

Reedus kisses for everyone! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I awoke early the next morning in preparation for Denny's arrival. I was up, dressed, and had the coffee ready ten minutes early. I sat at the bar and waited patiently watching the clock. It had been exactly a week since Denny had moved in next door and he had been over every day.

I hopped off the stool a couple minutes before I was expecting Denny and grabbed his coffee cup along with mine. I poured our two cups of coffee and looked at the clock. He should be knocking anytime. I glanced in the mirror to make sure I looked okay before skipping to the door.

I paused, waiting on his knock, not wanting to seem like a creep for just opening the door and expecting him. I waited a couple more seconds. I frowned slightly. Denny was never late. Heck, most of the time he was early. I cocked an eyebrow in confusion. Something was wrong.

I flung the door open and was instantly greeted by the cool Seattle air. The sky was gloomy and the rain was threatening to fall. "Hm," I said to no one in particular as I looked across the street to Denny's house. His house was dark and his truck was gone out of his driveway.

I sighed and leaned against the doorway wondering why he never came over this morning. That wasn't like him at all. I looked down at my feet sadly only to find a single sunflower sitting on my welcome mat. I smiled as I bent down to grab it before walking back inside.

I held the sunflower to my nose and breathed in deeply. He was so sweet. I felt something brush my arm and looked down to see a note attached to the stem of the sunflower. Blushing slightly I opened up the folded piece of paper to see what it said.

Hey Beautiful,

I had to leave early

For work this morning.

We had a long drive to

A painting location today.

I'm sorry I couldn't spend

Part of my morning with you.

Do me a favor? Join me for a

Proper dinner tonight, at a local

Restaurant in town. Don't worry,

It's nothing fancy so dress casual.

I'll pick you up at 6.

I hope that's not too early.


The smile stayed on my face as I placed the sunflower on the bar and grabbed my cup of coffee. I took a cautious sip before heading upstairs and getting ready for work. The day was going to drag by, I could already feel it, but I was more than excited for tonight.


Work seemed to drag and the more I looked at the clock the slower time became. "What's on your mind?" Barbara the main librarian asked me. I smiled. "What makes you think something is on my mind?" I asked her as I looked up from my book.

She smiled and pointed at my book. "You're a quick reader and you've been on the same page for twenty minutes because you can't stop staring at the clock," she said. I chuckled as I put a bookmark in my book and closed it. I shrugged feeling the smile grow on my face.

"I have plans tonight. And I guess I've been distracted wanting to get out of here," I said. Barbara smiled. "Do you have a date?" she asked me the teasing tone was strong in her voice. I rolled my eyes and waved her off. "It's not like that," I said. Barbara patted my shoulder as she walked past me. "Keep telling yourself that, dear."


I couldn't clock out fast enough and drive home. I pulled into my driveway and looked in my rearview mirror to see Denny's truck parked in his driveway as well. I smiled as I made my way into the house and dropped my things on the small table beside the door.

I grabbed an apple and looked at the clock to see that I had less than an hour to get ready but I knew I had plenty of time. I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. I started my shower while munching on my apple waiting for it to get the right temperature.

I finished my apple and grabbed my toothbrush quickly brushing my teeth before stripping my clothes and getting in the shower. I let the warm water relax my muscles before quickly getting to work knowing I didn't have that much time to play around.

I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. The bathroom was filled with fog as I wrapped a towel in my hair and one around my body. I cleared the mirror with my hand and sighed wondering what to do with myself. I decided to start with my clothes and head to my closet first.

After choosing some jeans and a nice sweater I went back to the bathroom and started on my makeup. I popped my head out of the bathroom and looked at the alarm clock to see I had about twenty minutes before Denny showed up. It was just enough time to get my hair done.

After blowing drying my hair and curling a little bit of it I ran out the bathroom door and grabbed my boots out of my closet. Denny was taller with me. The boots would just give me a couple extra inches to be closer to him. I liked how tall he was.

I trotted down the stairs just as I heard a soft knock on the door. I caught the kitchen clock on my way to the door. "Just in time," I mumbled under my breath before putting a smile on my face and opening the door. My breath caught in my throat as Denny turned around with the most perfect smile on his face.

 My breath caught in my throat as Denny turned around with the most perfect smile on his face

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FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLER! Don't kill me! I still thought it was a cute chapter even though it was a filler!

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Reedus kisses for everyone! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You're My Heaven (A Denny Duquette Love Story) [Grey's Anatomy]Where stories live. Discover now