5. And the winner is

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The hall is filled with a crowd, hooting and cheering for me. The lights are twinkling like stars, all falling on me. I felt like I was the moon and others were the stars in the sky. Everyone was listening to my pleasant song and suddenly in a blink of an eye, everything seemed new, what was going on. Was I in a dream? I was asking Samuel not to go, he was just saying goodbye to me and he disappeared and I heard a voice calling, "Estella".. Suddenly I woke up and realized that I was seeing a dream while my mom was calling me.

"Estella, you nearly get unconscious while you are asleep, I'm calling you for a long time", my mom said.

"Mom you go downstairs, I'll be there in two minutes", I said in a low voice.

I was still thinking about that what the dream was, it seemed real and why was Samuel just saying goodbye, and what about that singing performance?

I got ready very quickly and went down. I took my breakfast with me and I opened the main door, hoping Sam waiting for me, but now he was not there. I went inside and asked my mom about him,

"Mom, did Sam come?"

"no dear, I was thinking the same, why he didn't come to pick you up today? Is everything alright between you two?"

"yes, nothing so special. I'm leaving"

"Es at least have some breakfast first"

I ignored her and took my car and went to school. I was mad at my mom for no reason. "oh Sam, you have ruined my life", I whispered to myself.

I entered my class and asked Amelda if she has seen Sam anywhere.

"Yes I saw him going towards the canteen with Daniel, by the way, what's the matter?".

"Nothing special, I would let you know in some time, just come with me", I said while pulling her hand.

We went to the canteen to find Sam and what I saw left me in a state of shock. Sam and Daniel were talking to that new student Kelly and they were having coffee together.

For a few days, Sam is just ignoring me and now he's just chilling here with Daniel and Kelly, have I lost my position as a bestie in his life... no this could not happen. I could not hold my anger any longer and I started heading towards them.

"Sam, not expected from you"

"You better leave us alone Estella, we are busy", he replied.

What was he doing...wait did he just call me Estella...Sam always used to call me Es and what's this new drama. I was feeling helpless. I was very sad when I just heard Estella from him.

"Sam stop this nonsense and come with me. I need to talk", I said while pulling him from his chair.

"Please Estella I'm not free, I have a lot of work to do", he said while freeing his wrist.

I just took Amel with me and rushed outside the canteen.

I was telling everything to Amel, meanwhile, an announcement was made, "Dear students please gather in the hall for the school CR results".

We both went there and I saw Samuel with Kelly. Ignoring them I went towards the stage when they blocked my way,

"Best of luck Estella, I'm sure that you will win", Sam said while giving a slight smile.

"I need to go, now leave the way and let me go", I said in a rude voice.

I was happy inside that my friend said best of luck and at least he talked to me. A part of me wanted to hug him, but I was angry with him so I just didn't talk and moved on.

"So students, hold your hands together, now I'm going to announce the winner", the anchor said.

Everyone was keen to know who the winner was. We all were very excited and a little bit scared. I had worked so much for this position and I hope to be representing our class and why not.

"It's okay Es, I'm sure they will miss not choosing you", Amel said while putting her hand on mine.


"And the winner is......any guesses? Okay so it's Estella".

Oh no....no wait what did he just call my name... I won, oh my god ...I was so scared that I didn't even hear my name.

"I would like to call Estella to share her views", the anchor said from behind.

"Good morning everyone, I'm very glad to hear that you people have chosen me as your CR, this all credit goes to my friends and family, and it's possible because of you people that I'm here today. Thanks a lot".

Everyone was happy for me. Amel came and gave me a tight hug, and I responded with enthusiasm when we were stopped by Sameul and Kelly,

"Congratulations Estella, it's because of Sam's belief that you have won", Kelly said with a smile.

"You better stay quiet, and I'm here because of my hard work", I said rudely.

"Hey, I didn't mean to hurt you".

"Did I say anything? So could you please shut up?"

I should have not talked to her this way, I was feeling like I was overreacting, and after all, there was nothing she did to me that I should bother about...but I was angry with Sam so I had no control over my tongue. I was still thinking about the dream of Sam saying goodbye and kind of the same thing was happening....

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