13. Parallel universe?

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I don't know what was going on. I couldn't see anything but I could hear some noise around me. My head was aching. I tried to open my eyes slowly. When I opened my eyes, I saw many people around me, I was lying on a bed and I could see many other people around me laying on their beds. It seemed like a hospital. Meanwhile, I was thinking about the accident but I couldn't remember anything that had happened after I fainted.

"Anyone here?, please come here I need some help", I shouted.

A nurse came towards me." yes what do you want to say?", she said very politely.

"Can you please tell me where am I right now and what happened after my accident, and who got me here? please tell me everything"

"Yes, you were badly injured when two people got you here, could you tell us where is your family".

"My family is in Paris and where am I right now, could you tell me who were those two people?".

"You are in Paris only, in the city hospital, and I don't know who were the two people that got you here".

"Okay fine thanks, let me pay your fees", I said with a slight smile.

I had some money with me and I paid the fees. I don't know who the two people were but I send my best wishes to them. I went to complete other formalities. While I was signing on the card, what did I see surprised me, "2021...but isn't 2024 going on?", I whispered to myself. I was shocked to see the date.

"Excuse me, what date is it?", I asked one of the nurses.

"It's 4 June 2021", she replied.

"What, 4 June 2021, what are you saying, how could it be 2021?", I asked in a shocked voice.

"Yes you heard me right, it's 2021, are you alright? is your memory loss?", one of the nurses said. She seemed shocked when she heard me saying all this. But I was more shocked. What was she saying, was it 2021 going on?......

" But I still remember that I had an accident on 22 March 2024. What stupid am I saying, of course, it was and it is 2024. Was I in a dream...maybe, but it seemed real. But it is a dream how could I move 3 years back?

Now I was knowing that I was in a dream and I moved on to go home now. I took a lift from a person, she was a very kind old lady."Where have you come from?", she asked.

"granny I had an accident, I don't know what's happening to me", I told her my whole story but the thing that she wasn't shocked by whatever I said. Rather she told me that I could be in a parallel universe.

"What parallel universe?", I said facing her.

" yes parallel universe does exist, and sometimes it happens that some work is pending in that universe so by an incident you get here a chance to solve the problem".

"But how could I get three years back? and I don't think my work is incomplete", I said in a shocked voice.

"With time you will get to know yourself that what work has remained incomplete, you will reach your destination yourself by the magic of this universe. And maybe you are three years back because some work has been left behind before three years".

"Does magic exist here? And that means I have to now live in this world only?", I asked.

"No, if you complete your work, you will get back to your universe by yourself...but until you won't complete your work or know the truth that has been hiding from you, you will stay here only".

Author's pov:

Now Estella was in a parallel universe all alone and confused. She did not know what would she do and where would she find her family. She was knowing that she was in a dream and no such thing existed. She thought that this lady was trying to make her a fool or maybe she was old and her memory was lost. But somewhere she was afraid of being lost in some other world all alone.

Estella's pov:

I finally reached my home and thanked the old lady. I tried to open the door but it was locked, no one was home. But one key remained with me so she had it with me.

I opened the door and went to my room. I tried to sleep, hoping to come out of the dream but I couldn't sleep....

" That means that lady was right..., was I in a parallel universe? But how could this happen?" I got off my bed and thought about what work was incomplete three years back. Maybe it would be something that I wasn't sorry for. Or maybe some important work. I don't know.

" wait could be something related to Samuel?" I kept thinking about it all day. But I still hoped my dream to break soon.

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