Wild Night 2 [SaMo]

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Sana x Momo
Part 2

Sana sighed as she unzipped her luggage. She takes a deep breath before eventually acknowledging the former leader's presence by looking over her shoulder.

"Are you sure about this?" Jihyo asked for the second time.

"Yes, I'm sure." Sana replies, returning her focus to her bag, which she had closed entirely.

"I need to make things right with Momo. She's my best friend in the whole world, and I can't lose her." She sighed.

"Why?" Jihyo asked, crossing her arms.

"Because Momo didn't deserve to be treated that way. I need to apologize." Sana replied.

"She forced you into this marriage—

"She didn't force me into anything, Jihyo. We got married, and I definitely agreed to that. The fact that I was drunk doesn't make me an unwilling participant. She did ask me to keep it up, and I had an option." Sana interjects.

"Well, she's not helping." Jihyo expressed worry.

"You were supposed to have fun in Vegas, that's why we went. I wanted you to get laid with the first person who caught your eye, not marry your best friend." She said, shaking her head.

Sana shrugged, "What can I say? I'm a romantic."

Jihyo groaned in defeat as she walked over to the Japanese girl and hugged her.

"Sana-sshi, be careful with your heart, don't just hand it to her as I did with—

"I won't, but she deserves a chance and an explanation." Sana adds, smiling reassuringly.

Jihyo nods and walks out of the room to allow her to finish packing. Sana finally appeared from her room after another hour and was met by Mina, who had been waiting for her.

"Let me help you with that." She offered as she rolled the suitcases down to the car.

Sana smiles gratefully as she enters the car, Mina in the driver's seat, driving Sana to the airport for her flight.

"You're gonna call me when you get there, right?" Mina asked.

"Of course, I will." Sana smiled, though it immediately disappears.

"What if she doesn't forgive me?" She wondered as she gazed out the window.

"Don't worry about it too much, Sana-chan. She'll forgive you." Mina attempts to console her.

Sana's eyes sank down in dismay as she let out another long sigh.

"I completely messed up."

"But I'm going to  fix this, whatever it takes." She spoke, feeling determined.


Tokyo, Japan | Aman Tokyo

Sana stepped through the glass doors of the magnificent hotel complex, feeling as if she were in another world. She heard that Momo was staying at this hotel and wanted to check it out for herself. As she focused on her agenda, she walked over to the front desk, her gaze wandering around the futuristic modern style of the establishment.

"Hi, may I help you with something?" The man asked nicely in formal Japanese.

"Yes, I am looking for Hirai Momo—

"Do you have a meeting with Miss Hirai?" He abruptly cuts her off.

"No, but—

"Please accept my apologies, but we do not share information about our hotel guests unless you have a personal meeting with them." He replied firmly.

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