(Un) Arranged [2na]

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Mina sat quietly in her living room, the television casting a soft glow in the evening. The daily news played in the background, and a particular snippet grabbed her attention.

"Heir and businesswoman Minatozaki Sana was seen yesterday with a model, the eighth woman she's been spotted with during her business trips."

It was the kind of gossip that filled the airwaves, but Mina had long grown used to it.  She didn't blame Sana for her lifestyle choices; after all, it was her life, and she deserved to enjoy it however she pleased. Yet, despite her understanding, it still stung. 

The news anchor's voice continued, "Meanwhile, it seems that Minatozaki Sana continues to deny her arranged marriage with the Black Swan, Myoui Mina."

Mina sighed deeply, staring at the blank screen. Her patience was wearing thin as she waited for Sana to take action—any action at all. Mina let her thoughts wander. She and Sana had known each other since childhood, brought together by their parents' business partnership. Both destined to inherit their family empires, their parents had seen fit to solidify their companies through the unfortunate pact of marriage.

Their relationship had always been complicated. They had grown up together, shared secrets, and supported each other through difficult times. However, as they matured, their lives began to take different directions. Sana's thirst for adventure led her around the world, while Mina concentrated on her education and personal aspirations. Their once inseparable paths are now apart, leaving Mina reflecting on how their relationship has evolved over time.

The arranged marriage hung over them like a looming shadow, a constant reminder of duties and expectations. Despite it all, Mina couldn't deny the deep bond she shared with Sana. They understood each other in ways that no one else could. 

Glancing at her phone, Mina half-hoped for a message from Sana. Their communications had become irregular, mostly confined to business dealings or family events. It saddened Mina to see Sana depicted in the media as a carefree social butterfly, knowing the depth that defined her true self beneath the public facade.

Mina recalled their carefree childhood days spent playing in the spacious gardens of their family estates. Back then, Sana was a different person—innocent, full of joy, always bringing laughter to Mina's world. But as they grew older, the weight of their situation began to press on them. 

One evening, when they were about twelve, Mina climbed a tree in her backyard. She remembered Sana urging her to go higher and promising to catch her if she fell. And she did fall, but Sana, true to her word, caught her, even though they both ended up with scrapes and bruises.

"Are you okay?" Sana asked, her voice full of worry.

"I'm fine. Thanks for catching me." Mina replied, trying to be brave.

"I'll always catch you." Sana said with a smile, and Mina believed her.

But now, years later, it felt like Sana had let her fall. The free-spirited girl who once promised to always catch her was replaced by a woman who seemed to care more about her next adventure than about their shared history or future.

Mina sighed again, standing up to pace around her living room. The marriage was supposed to unite their families, strengthen their businesses, and create an empire. But all it seemed to create was a rift between her and Sana.

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