Matters of the Heart [2na]

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Sana stood across the courtyard, her eyes fixed on Mina and Mark Lee. She couldn't hear their conversation, but she didn't like the way Mark was acting around Mina.

Mina, her Mina, her enigmatic Black Swan.

It wasn't unusual for them to chat after dance practice, but today, Mark seemed different. His confidence had a cockiness about it that made Sana uneasy. He was acting like he had something up his sleeve, and Sana didn't trust him one bit.

As they walked closer together, Sana pretended to be busy writing on her notepad. She noticed Mina wrapping her arms around herself out of the corner of her eye. It was a clear sign that she felt uneasy. Mina had been doing it since she was a kid. Sana wanted to rush over and hug her, but she restrained herself.

Mina was always the most reserved of Sana's friends. Sana was the only one who understood why. It had nothing to do with growing up in a strict family; it was because Mina was hiding—from herself and from who she truly was. Mina wasn't like the other girls. She was special in more ways than one.

Sana had a fondness for Mina that she didn't quite understand. She was Minatozaki Sana, fabulous and independent, not needing anyone's approval. Yet, she craved Mina's approval for some reason. Sana felt overprotective of Mina and didn't like it when others got too close. She knew the reason subconsciously but would never admit it. Not even to herself.

Mark got too close to Mina. Sana had to resist the impulse to throw a chair in his way.

"So, Mina, I was wondering..." Mark said as they slowed down near Sana's seat.

"Don't. Don't you dare. She's too good for you." Sana murmured under her breath.

Mark tried to be charming, running his fingers through his damp hair. But Sana wasn't fooled. Mina, however, was trusting and saw the best in everyone. She couldn't see what Mark was really after. Sana could tell by the look on his face.

"We've been dancing together for years now..."

She's much better than you in every way.

"And I was thinking, maybe one night we should get together and, you know..."

I will destroy you if you even THINK of touching her.

"Let's hang out."

Sana knew what "hang out" meant to Mark and other teenage boys. Get a girl drunk, then get handsy with her. She wasn't going to let anything happen to her sweet Mina.

"Oh." Mina said, surprised.

Sana saw her cheeks redden. She was so adorable when she was flustered, like a cute little penguin. But Sana wasn't going to let some guy take advantage of her.

Mina, tell him to get lost. Tell him he's just a dance partner.

Mina looked flattered, but she didn't know how to reject him. Sana couldn't stand it any longer. She got up and walked over, her gaze landing on Mark's. 

"Mitang, hey!" Sana called out, closing the distance between them.

"Sana?" Mina still seemed flustered.

"Darling, where have you been? I've been waiting for you. Didn't you get my message?" Sana asked, taking Mina's hand, earning a glare from Mark.

"Uh, no. I just got out of practice."

Sana could tell. Mina was in her casual dance attire, glistening with sweat.

"What are you doing here?" Mina asked, looking down at their joined hands, confused.

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