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Time a week: Thursday 12am

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Y/n's Pov:

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It's been a week since my miscarriage, i've gotten my baby cremated and her ashes remain in my room locked up in a glass case. with her name on it. Rose Dahlia Aizawa Im not allowing anyone to come in my room nor even speak or touch me.

My depression hasn't gotten better and this situation added onto it.

I took a shower then got dressed and went straight to my room

(what you was wearing/hair style, btw TW: mention of self harm)

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(what you was wearing/hair style, btw TW: mention of self harm)

I sit on my bed sobbing, i just wish things were different. I wish what happened to me never even happened, i look around my room for razors but i forgot when i had my outbreak last time dad cleaned my room and removed things i could hurt myself with. I look in my dresser and fins the eyebrow razor i had a while ago, i move the blade along my finger tip and i see it's still sharp enough for me, i put it in my bra and make my way to the roof without being seen.

When i got to the roof i noticed it was raining, i made my way towards the edge of the building and sat down then i started to roll my sleeves up and i sighed. I knew it was wrong to do this but i didn't care, i was tired of suffering and if this is how i gotta make it stop then so be it.

I began to cut my wrists over and over not caring about how many i had, i was just tired of being alive and everything wrong just happening to me. I wanted to end it and i wanted to end it quick. I sit there crying as my wrists just dangled from the side of the building dripping and blood getting mixed with the rain.

I love you.... (bakugo x black reader aizawas daughter)Where stories live. Discover now