Broken princess.

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I woke up slightly but everything was so bright I couldn't see, my body was in so much pain and I had a terrible ringing in my ears. I blinked but my vision was blurry, I heard muffled screams before passing out again.

???~ Check her pulse 

???~ She's breathing but she might not make it

???~ We have to perform cardioversion on her

???~ BREAK

???~  Again

???~ BREAK

???~ We got her heart rhythm back to normal


I finally woke up for good, I look around my hospital room and no one's in it. I try to move my body but when I did I felt a sharp pain that shot through my back all the way to my neck, I gritted my teeth and held back my tears. 

I hear the knob on my door and look up to see dad, and seeing his face made me break down into tears. 

Me~ What happened?

I noticed my voice was way raspier and scratchier than usual it sounded like I smoked fifteen whole packs of cigarettes a day

Dad~ well...long story short you ran to get baby and ended up getting hurt.

Me~ How is she anyway, she alright?

Dad~ ..... well...

Me~ Dad what happened...

Dad~ You've been out for a couple of days now y/n and for baby... sh- she didn't make it... you chased her for so long and then when you both got to the street and the bus came it hit both of you at the same time, and since baby was smaller than you she didn't survive...

I felt my heart get ripped out of my chest, as my face got really hot. 

I- I didn't save her? but I was right there how could I have not saved her?

I started crying, I bit my lip as it trembled I was a wreck. I thought she would have at least survived and I would have been injured, but that wasn't the case. We both were injured and only one survived... 

Me~ I wanna go home

Dad~ we will I just need the doctor to come on

Me~ my actual home, with the maids and the pool. Ever since I agreed to come to the dorms everything has been turning left. I don't wanna be here anymore......

Dad~ Alright...I'll just have vincent drive you and take care of your needs, but you still need to come to school.

Me~ Alright...

I laid there while dad held onto my hand and called for the doctor, they talked and I was able to go home. vincent came to get me and he took me back to the house.


Vincent helped me in the house since my ankle was sprained, I took a shower and changed into something comfortable, and took my medicine, I also smoked week so I wouldn't stress as much.

 I walked outside and sat on the ground crying where I found baby, I finally had a pet to myself and she was gone just like broke my heart cause within the little time we've been together I actually felt like her mom, she felt like she was mines.

Me~ I miss you so much...if only you were here...both you and mom

I got up and went to my room and slipped some clothes on, I was gonna go to the store or something  I just needed to get out.

I love you.... (bakugo x black reader aizawas daughter)Where stories live. Discover now