The big 3

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It's been three days since my house arrest, i got out earlier then bakugo and midoriya did but today midoriya's ends today. He hands in his written apology to dad and then dad continues on with class. Midoriya angrily says sorry to the whole class for his issues and to tenya for disappointing him. 

Me~ I wouldn't even be saying sorry but i'm not you broccoli boy, you're soft and say sorry for everything even when half the time you shouldn't be saying it

Mina~ Of course you wouldn't say sorry, no one would be surprised if you didn't say sorry cause well.... you're y/n if anything we'd be in shock if you did say sorry

Me~ Fuck you mina

Mina~ Babe you know i'm right

I stick my middle finger up at her and we both laugh.

Dad introduces the class to The Big 3 dad asks the third-year students to introduce themselves but before they could i stood up and gave them all a hug. and did the it for them, 

Me~ starting here we have Tamaki Amajiki he is a very close friend, he is demure

Tamaki~ I'm trying imagine everyone as potatoes but i can still see everyone's bodies i want to go home.......

Me~ Moving on, next we have Nejire Hado now be aware she can ask a lot of questions and becomes a little overwhelming, And lastly we have dollar store all might

Dad~ y/n ! 

Me~ I'm just kidding, guy's this is Mirio Togata. But he does look like a rip off all might right??

Dad~ Okay okay that's enough y/n take a seat

Me~ I never have any fun, enjoy the class guys

The big 3~ Thank you y/n

 Nejire goes on and says her group is supposed to speak to 1-A about hero work studies, but she suddenly gets off topic and displays her frantic and curious personality i sighed knowing what was gonna happen and it did.... All at once she's rapidly asking questions to everyone in class  without giving them a chance to answer, I can tell dad weary of her act.

Mirio tries to break the ice with a joke, but the others didn't get the joke so i just put my head down mirio says that the best way for the students to learn about work studies is to fight him. But knowing mirio, he might make me sit out since i am easy when it comes to making strategies to beat him. 

I've been doing it since i was little and never lost against him i believe he knows if he was to let me participate in this it would be an easy win and that wouldn't give him a chance to see where the students need to work when it comes to their quirks.

Everyone goes to gym gamma where the entire class would go against Mirio.

 Tamaki~ Mirio you shouldn't do it words should be more than enough to explain.

 Nejire~  class  listen up, there once was a U.A. student that nearly stopped trying to become a hero because of all sorts of problems.

I sat down some where away from them and watched, waiting for them to fight.

Mina~ why is y/n sitting over there, shouldn't she be over here with us?

Me~ If i was to fight mirio it would be too easy of a win and he knows it, so i'll be sitting out if i was to fight him he wouldn't be able to see what you guys need to work on

Mina~ ahhhh that makes sense 

Mirio asks one of the students to step up and Izuku accepts the challenge.

The close combat team tries to surround mirio, but they were taken by surprise when mirio's clothes fell fall off his body. I laughed and closed my eyes, midoriya tries to kick mirio but his kicks go through mirio's physical form. Everyone else tries to ambush mirio but he just ends up behind them, some student's said they believe he warped using his quirk and mirio attacks the long-range fighters. 


Mirio knocks out more than half of the students in Class 1-A with no problem, shoto watches from the sidelines in shock i was next to them.

Dad~  Mirio is the closest hero to being number one, shoto and y/n why are you guys not fighting and the student replies it's

Me~ I'm not fighting cause mirio knows it would be an easy win if i was to fight and shoto isn't fighting cause he didn't earn a provisional license. 

Once the challenge is over, mirio apologizes to the girls about being naked and i just laugh while covering my face.

Miro~ Do you guys have a better idea about work studies? 

Me~ Mirio they didn't learn anything, they just got beat up. Do you guys think his quirk strong?

The class~ YES it's too strong , can we learn about it?

Me~ why of course mirio go get some clothes while i explain this to them, mirio's quirk is called permeation. If Mirio activates his quirk through his entire body, his physical form can go through anything. This includes the floor and other thing's as well, mirio can repel himself out of the ground by deactivating his quirk while he's falling during any time but the bad part about having this quirk is while it's active, he cant use any of his senses because everything passes through his body. 

Mirio~ I fought you guys so you all could learn through experience as well like i did.  When you're at hero work studies, you will be treated like sidekicks rather than guests and  will probably go through some crazy events. You guys should participate even if you're scared so you can grow stronger.

I don't understand why but they started clapping like oprah winfrey gave a speech, dad tells everyone to thank the big three before leaving i look at shoto and he looks worried

Me~ what's wrong bestie?

Shoto~ I don't know, i just feel like i'm being left out. You can't say you're feeling the same cause regardless of anything y/n you're really strong since you have so many quirks but i only have two

Me~ Shoto, you're not being left out of anything at all. No matter what you got this, you're also strong so you have nothing to worry about, aside from izuku, bakugo, and kirishima you are most definitely the strongest person i know in here. You're gonna do great trust me

Shoto~ I really don't know what i'd do without you y/n

Me~ You'd probably be a sad sack of shit

shoto~ Yeah, you're probably right.

He cracks a smile and i feel accomplished that i could at least get him to smile.

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