New driver/security guard

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I kept my pajamas on but slipped on some rose gold filas disruptor's and told everyone i'd be right back, but as soon as i was about to step out of my room dad appeared behind me.


Me~ what is it?

Dad~ I am sorry to say this but Jonathan has passed away....he was driving to pick up his sick mother from the hospital but a villain attacked him before he could make it to her a few days ago he told me to give this to you since you made him happy on day's he wasn't happy, he said he loved spending time with you even if it was for a little bit of time. I guess you can say you had a special place in his heart. here.

He handed me two butterfly necklaces and I put the rose gold one on since it matches my sneakers. I made dad hold the other one for me so I won't lose it.

 I made dad hold the other one for me so I won't lose it

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Dad~ oh yeah. you'll be having a new driver I think you'll really like this one you'll see them when you go outside

I nodded and he walked away, I headed downstairs and passed the living room to see bakugo looks up at me while he plays on his phone, I walked ahead of me and went outside to see someone I haven't seen in years.

Me~ Well well well  if it isn't Mr Anthony Vincent

Vincent~ ahh y/n you're still so tiny it's cute

Me~ fuck off I will break your fingers

Vincent~ still aggressive as ever I see

Me~ what brings you here loser

 Vincent~ Well i heard about you old bodyguard, and i thought since we had a good connection i should become your new bodyguard

Me~ Thank you vincent

Vincent~ You're welcome 

Me~ well i am going to the store would you like to come?

Vincent~ Of course

I continued to talk to vincent while talking about everything that has happened over the past few months,  when ever he'd tell a joke that would made me laugh hard i would jump and clasp my hands together while smiling brightly.

When we got to the store i got five strawberry strawberry fruit bars, a ton of hot chips and waters. We walked home and talked about dad (lucifer) and the upcoming dance events they're having, even if I didn't talk to anyone from hell that much I sure did miss them a lot and hoped I could see them soon. 

We got inside then vincent headed home, I walk to my room with the bags in my hand, when I open the door I instantly smell weed so I quickly shut the door and open the windows

Me~ so who the hell said you guys can smoke in my room and not tell me

Denki~ y/n neither one of us knew you smoked until a second ago 

Me~ okay well your in my room so if you plan on using the room you're gonna share point blank period

Jirou~ okay so sit down so we can pass it to you

I put the popsicles and waters in the freezer then grabbed one freeze pop and put my chips on the bed, we smoked until the weed was gone. I look at everyone and they had red eyes and I started laughing really hard. They look at me dying on the floor and start laughing as well, the smell wasn't in my room but everyone decided to head out into the hallway.

While walking I hear momo say 'MOO MOO' loudly and I don't know why but I found it so funny, I fell face forward onto the ground in the hall on my stomach and I place my head onto my hands and kick my legs pretending to swirl a strand of hair.

 Momo holds out her hands for me to take them so i did but when she did we both fell. Everyone comes from everywhere to see what all the noise is and my group is just doing random things.

Denki started making out with the wall, Jiro was pretending to be in a rock band, sero hung himself upside down and started screaming spiderman, midoriya tried eating his hair and called himself the broccoli man, it was a wreck. I crawled on the ground making cat noises and when i look up i see dad in front of me, i look up and he sighed.

Dad~ Y/n are you high?

Me~ *giggles* I'm a cat

Dad~ y/n I said are you high?

Me~ *stares off into space and eats popsicle*

Dad~ oh my god...what am I going to do with these kids

Me~ oH mY gOd wHaT aM i gOnNa dO wItH tHeSe kIdS

Dad~ y/n stop mocking me it's rude

Me~ y/N sToP mOcKiNg mE iTs rUdE

Dad~ How would you feel if i said you were grounded young lady

Me~ hOw wOuLd yOu fEeL iF i sAiD yOu wErE gRoUnDeD yOuNg lAdY arg arg arg 

Dad picks me up and places me on my feet so I can stand up straight but I just flop to the ground like a noodle, other UA staff members grab the other high students and takes them to their rooms.

 They made sure to lock the balcony doors so no one ends up doing something stupid or in our case, something funny. When I get to my room dad sits me on my bed and grabs my bonnet, my headband and puts it on me, he does the headband first then the bonnet I finished my popsicle so he takes it and throws the stick away.

Dad~ Go to bed, we're going to have a serious talk tomorrow young lady

Me~ arggg eye eye capteennnnnnnn

And with that he hit the switch on my wall and turned the lights off, I gave baby a kiss and went to bed.


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