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You get up and get dressed for school, so does everyone else. "You guys when you're downstairs head outside and go in the limo I'm having Jonathan take us to school today so we wont be late" you say slipping on your sneakers you quickly grab your phone and back pack and run outside. "Jonathan can you take us all to dunkin donuts" you say closing the door waiting for everyone to get in "Of course Ms.aizawa" he says rolling the windows down. 

After a few minutes everyone comes in the car and Jonathan drives off to dunkin donuts "guys get whatever you want it's on me" you say walking inside. "y/n it's so good to see you" the cashier says taking your order "Ahhh max long time no see, how are you?" you say giving him your credit card "I'm good and you? you look wonderful as always" he says giving you a receipt 

"still a flirt i see max, you haven't changed one bit. It's good you're doing well, I'm doing good as well." you say smiling taking your coffee, sausage egg and cheese wrap, hash browns, and food for the staff that teaches 1-a you get in the car then so does everyone else.

You get to UA and head to the teachers lobby and place everything down for everyone, coffee on one table and food on the others marked with their names. They thank you then you head off to all might's office *knock knock knock* you open all might's door to see him in his hero form "hi uncle might, i just came to drop this off for you" you say peering through the door. 

"Ahh young aizawa come in come in" you do as told and place the coffee and food on his desk "how are you uncle?" you say watching him turn to his natural form "I'm doing alright, just a little worried about that midoriya" he says drinking the coffee " worried about him as well but at the moment im no longer speaking to him if anything I'm angry at him but why are you worried" he looks at you as if he's not surprised, he's been around you all his life so your attitude is nothing new to him.

 "the sports festival is coming up and you know midoriya has my quirk but he doesn't really know how to control it, i have no doubts you and him will come up with something to win." you nod " not sure about midoriya but i WILL win, I'm gonna win for you, dad, and mic as well as grandma" you say with determination

"Very well y/n, i feel as though you should get back to class soon you have a surprise waiting for you back at class" this made you confused so you just took the extra coffee and food then headed back to class.

 You walk in class and place the coffee and food on dad's desk unsure of if he's coming today or not which made you sad. You feel your eyes watering as you get to your desk so you use your hair to block your face. Everything was too much for you to handle and you missed dad so much, you hear the door open to reveal a walking dad in the class room "y/n stay after class i have something important to tell you" dad says you nod.

 Everyone starts talking about how dad came back so early especially after USJ dad calls his own injuries irrelevant because something more important is approaching the stupid sports festival hearing him say that breaks your heart

  does he really care about this stupid festival more then his own well being?

Class ends and everyone heads off to lunch except you, dad drinks the coffee you gave him. you walk up to his desk with your head down hiding the tears forming in your eyes "I'm sorry i didn't let you come see me in the hospital, i didn't want you to see me in the condition i was in." he says holding your hands 

"Dad if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been in that position, i could have been better i should have done more" you say balling your fists "y/n there was nothing you could have done to stop that situation from happening we both was injured and could have gotten seriously hurt more then what we did. I promise you did amazing you stopped a lot of hero's from having to do extra work" hearing that lifted your sprits a little bit

 "i love you dad" you say holding his hand tighter "i love you too y/n i really do" you give him a slight hug trying not to hurt him since he was still in bandages.

He lets you go off to lunch and you sit with kirishima and the boy's eating enchiladas the maid made you for lunch "hey y/n what did aizawa want to talk to you about?" sero asks 

"Oh nothing important." you say eating. "Oh...alright" sero says you noticed you had 4 bowls of mixed fruit so you have one to the boys, one to your girlfriends and you shared one with bakugo. You had one left so you decided to take it to dad being unsure of if he has anything for lunch. He says thank you which makes you smile, you head back to lunch and lay your head on bakugo's shoulder you hear him make a weird growling noise but you ignore it.

~~~~End of the day~~~~

You was gonna leave the class but got stuck between students trying to come in and out bakugo says there here to scout out the competition and then instructs them to move out of his way i try to follow him but another student from the general studies course confronts Katsuki an declares war to him and the class. 

The boy explains that if students from other courses do well in the exam, they can be moved into the hero course. He said declares war on Class 1-A because he plans on taking their place in the Hero Course. This honestly was annoying as hell so you decided to get in front of bakugo and say something.

"First things first, you're childish as fuck for trying to come here and declare 'war' on the entire 1-a class, this isn't kindergarten come up with something better and if you think for a second you're gonna beat 1-a please think twice. We got chosen to be in this class for a reason simply cause we are better then you and we will prove we are better then you extras in every way possible." He leaves then someone from 1-b comes to the class saying he wanted to see the class that defeated real villains but then proceeds to say he found condescending brats. I roll my eyes at his ignorance and hang onto bakugo's arm.

Many of the students in Class 1-A worry that you and Katsuki ruined their reputation and caused all the other classes to hate them.

"You guys are being big babies, why do you actually care about what the others think of you? they didn't help you get in this class you helped yourself by being the best version of yourself. They aren't even as important I'm going home y'all are being idiots" you say leaving bakugo to say something to the others. You pushed your way through the students not caring about how they feel.

I love you.... (bakugo x black reader aizawas daughter)Where stories live. Discover now