Sports Festival (2)

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It was now your turn to fight, they say you were going up against todoroki. This is gonna be a piece of cake You thought to yourself  you went into the hallway and did a couple of stretches and then an Arial into a back handspring to give yourself a boost you ended with a back walkover into a split then dad comes from behind you clapping "hey old man" you smile messing with his hair

 "Hey kid, good luck out there I'm rooting for you. give all you got but don't give too much, you still have a match after this" he says looking at you with his bloodshot eyes "of course, but dad seriously gets some sleep during my match, you....look like you need it" you say handing him some eye drops "no way...this is your first fight I'm not gonna miss this for the world" you sigh then facepalm then come back to smiling "alright if you say so dad...but once we get home you are going straight to bed" you say grabbing his hand and heading out.

You step into the ring as does todoroki, you couldn't help but notice how he looks upset about something. You ignore it and get into a fighting position then uncle mic screams go, todoroki blasts ice towards you which honestly he shouldn't have done, you were gonna give him a chance cause he looked like he was gonna cry but now your main goal is getting him out of bounds.

 I block the ice and quickly teleport behind him and kick under his feet causing him to fall backward, I grab his leg and swing him into the air, he blasts fire onto my arm this surprised me cause he never uses his fire side. This causes me to swing him into the ground hard, I heal my arm but not all the way my healing quirk only lets me heal myself halfway.

The fight has been going on for a while, we were blasting each other, punching back to back but I've had enough I'm putting an end to this battle. I will win, as todoroki stands in front of me breathing hard I hold out my left hand as my eyes turn a neon blue, my hair turns white I started flying in the air, I stare at him and he backs up a little, I activate my quirk and send him flying out of bounds but as I do so he sends a strike of ice towards me and it gashes my leg causing me to wince in pain.

 "Y/N WINS" you hear uncle mic say then everyone starts screaming. You limped your way to recovery girl's office while your leg throbs and bleeds a lot. You hang out in recovery girl's office for a while, you then took a nap. When you woke up it was time for bakugo and Ochaco to go against each other.

You sigh while sitting next to mina, she looked at you and held your hand "It's gonna be on y/n bakugo is likely to win" that's not what you were worried about though, you were thinking about if he was to go easy on her or no. If he did go easy on her people would think he's doing it cause she's a female but if he didn't they'd have a problem with it cause once again she's a female and these idiots think boys need to be all gentle with girls and all that other idiotic bullshit. But you cleared your head and gripped her hand tighter giving her a warm smile

They have been fighting for some time now, every time Ochaco runs towards bakugo she just gets blasted away. People started to confirm your suspicions, they started booing bakugo cause they thought he was going too hard on her and it irritated you so you decided to give a little bit of your own say

 "Can y'all dumb ass hoes shut the actual fuck up, just because she's a girl doesn't mean he should take it easy on her if anything he should continue to do what he's doing. Only because 1. it makes her a better fighter 2. it shows he's going hard on her cause he clearly sees her as a woman and not a baby we got into this school for being rough and aggressive stop being idiots and booing him cause he sees something in her you idiots clearly cant see" 

you plopped yourself down in the chair and folded your arms angrily blowing steam out your ears.

"Y/n...are you sure you're mad at bakugo cause sis you went off on those people for booing him the way they did," tsu asks peering over the chair behind you "Yes. I am absolutely mad at him but that doesn't mean I won't defend him when needed, those people are idiots and I hate idiots and here I forgot to give you this as well" I give her the best friend necklace she smiles then sits back in her seat. 

I love you.... (bakugo x black reader aizawas daughter)Where stories live. Discover now