Baby aizawa

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I grab baby and head downstairs to see everyone holding either a stuffed animal or candy

what the actual fuck........


Present time:

Me~ What the fuck is all of this?

 i say sitting on a stool 

Sero~ Well since the baby of the class is on her menstrual cycle we decided to get thing's we thought would help your mood

 sero says handing me candy

Me~ Ohhhhhkayyyy???? umm anyways....i came down here to eat you guys can just take everything to my room i don't really mind and thank you for getting me stuff i appreciate it

 i said smiling to everyone placing baby on my lap

Kirishima and bakugo walks up to me and hands me different colored roses and then an idea came into my head, I grabbed a tea kettle and poured water in it and then went to the fridge and grabbed dried cranberries, blue berries, lettuce, spinach, and cherries. I broke the roses and took the petals and put it in a bowl with everything i just grabbed and then put roses in a glass cup with sugar and a mint leaf i turn around with the bowl in my hand only to see the boys staring at me.

Me~ May i help you?

 i ask putting my food on the table

I grab dog food and water and grab two doggy bowl's one for the water and one for the food. i place it on the floor and baby eats

Bakugo~ ummm...why did you do that to the roses? 

Me~ Rose petals contain compounds that improve metabolism in addition to clearing toxins from the body, It also helps with weight loss in a natural way. aside from this, eating a too many of the rose petals it satiates your senses and stops you from eating more.

 i say eating my salad 

Bakugo~ oh okay

bakugo sits next to me 

Kirishima~ Wow y/n is so smart right bakugo?

kirishima asks tapping his fingers together 

Bakugo~ i guess, shitty hair aren't you and mina a thing why are you here?

bakugo asks

Kirishima and mina? why didn't they tell me?

Me~ Aye kiri why didn't you or mina tell me you two was together what kind of friend does thatttt i thought we was bestiesssss

i put my hand over my face and fake cry

Kirishima~ ack y/n there was so much going on we didn't wanna bother you

 he says rubbing the back of his neck

Me~ fine...i guess that's an acceptation

 i pout and fold my arms across my chest 

I grab the tea kettle and make my tea, while drinking it the smell reminds me of the tea mom used to make me when i was younger on rainy days. I smile and bakugo asks what im smiling at

Me~ try this, it smells and taste like the tea my mom would make me when i was younger and it rained

 i hand him the cup and he takes a sip 

Bakugo~ It's good, you should make it often he plays on his phone

Me~ only if you buy me the roses

I love you.... (bakugo x black reader aizawas daughter)Where stories live. Discover now