All might kicks some villain ass

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No one's pov: 

Shoto and Momo begin escaping from the area once they realize the mission was a success. tomura, the extra villains, and all might are surprised that the boy's were in the area as well. Refusing to let me escape, magne, spinner, and mr. Compress come up with a plan to capture me again. 

Magne magnetizes Mr. Compress and Spinner pushes him, launching Mr. Compress at everyone group. But Mt. Lady see's this happening and uses titan cliff to stop mr. Compress, this causes them to smash into each other preventing Mr. Compress from getting to us. The boys are surprised at Mt. Lady's intervention she tells the everyone to escape before falling down and becoming unconscious and they listen to her.


My pov:

We land on the ground and all of sudden a mix of emotions just hit me in the face, my chest tightens and it feels like my heart is being pinched slowly. It get's hard to breath so while everyone's distracted watching all might fight all for one i run off and find some place quiet to hide for the moment.

Not you having a panic attack and making things about you

No one's even around for me to make things about myself, i'm scared my uncle is out there fighting some villain and i was kidnapped too much is happening at once. leave me alone stop coming into my mind Jesus Christ 

Nope, i don't care. You're a big baby and always make thing's about you, and you know it. at USJ you made it about you, sports festival was also about you. Even the camp was about you


And it stopped...i just need to chill out.

After i calmed down i got up, the after effects from toga cutting me suddenly kicked in and i held my face where the scar was and i walked back to where the class was. When everyone sees me they rush up to me

Momo~ bestie i misses you so much

Kirishima~ princess im glad you're safe

Tenya~ glad to have you back y/n

Izuku~ y/n i'm so sorry i couldn't save you

Shoto~ I'm pretty sure you're ok, you are a tough cookie also tenya punched midoriya in the face

Bakugo~ Give the dumb ass some space, you guys are doing to much we should take her to the hospital before doing all this talking.

I stare at all of them for a moment then my vision becomes blurry.


I woke up to a bright light shining in my eyes

Me~ God fucking damn it i'm so tired of these lights being in my fucking face

 i yawn and look around the room and it's empty. I look to the side of me and there's flowers, plushies and a card.

Get well soon - Your friends  ❤(♥ω♥ ) ~♪♡

I yawn again and ring the buzzard for a nurse, a doctor enters the room with dad  

Me~ hey dad

 my raspy voice croaks 

Dad~ Hey kid

 he  looks at me and his eyes are red

has he been crying....??

Doctor~ Well, ms.aizawa you lost a lot of blood from the cuts you were given and you overworked yourself and because of this you passed out. But you're free to go home stay safe kid

the doctor leaves the room

Dad walks to my side of the bed and gives me an apologetic glare then helps me get ready, my  wounds we're treated but my body was still sour so it was kind of hard to move the way i wanted to.

While getting in the car i sighed, i wonder how everyone else was doing. I guess i'll text them whenever i have free time, i hope they're alright. 

Dad~ When we get home you can just go straight to bed y/n you still look tired

 Dad says next to me, i nod cause he was right. I was still tired but i was worried, though i shouldn't stress. My friends are tough and can handle themselves, i mean they did come to save me so that says a lot about them right there.


When me and dad get inside he carries me to my room, my entire body felt disgusting so i took a hot shower to relax my muscles and to make my skin feel less sticky. I washed the dry blood out of my hair and look at my toes I started to wash myself on the top so i moved to the bottom and when i brought the wash cloth back to rinse it out i seen blood on it


 i scream in the shower

Me~ This can't be fucking happening, i don't want to be on my period

 I suddenly get sad and get washed more. When i was done i pampered myself and changed into a black long sleeve shirt and pants and grabbed a heating pad and took my medicine alone with pain relief medicine.

I got bored so i decided to go outside for a little while and smoke (weed) it was chill, i stared at the stars until i heard whimpering coming from the yard on my side. I got up and walked towards the sound and it was a tiny puppy a girl puppy at that, she was injured her leg look broken. I went and kneeled down by her and used my heeling quirk, she didn't have a collar so i'll assume she either escaped the pet store or ran away she stood up and brushed herself onto my leg. She was the cutest thing ever and her fur was super soft.

Me~ I'll name you baby

she rolls on her stomach and then i hear "i like that name" in a kids voice i look down and she looks at me 

Me~ oh so you have a quirk ?

 she nods 

Baby~ not useful though, it helps me talk but i cant age

 i couldn't help but smile 

Me~ that doesn't matter to me i could care less of if you was to age or not you're still my baby

 i picked her up and took her to my room

She got on one of my pillows and we both fell asleep

today went all types of wrong but i feel like everything will be alright for a little while especially with baby around.

today went all types of wrong but i feel like everything will be alright for a little while especially with baby around

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