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Mphakamseni The Arranged Man


The interview was the best. I wish I could parade on the streets; walk naked but work awaits me. After the interview we headed straight to work finding everyone waiting for us. The minute their eyes landed on us, they started screaming and cheering for us, it was overwhelming. Just a year ago I was nothing and today I'm something. Having a wife like Zelo just makes my life easier and smooth. I pray whatever obstacle we face we shall concur them all.
"Okay everyone; thank you so much for making us do a grand entrance," they laughed. "We may go back to work". They all went to their work stations while Phaka and Zelo went to their office.


I couldn't, I don't believe my eyes and ears. So the owner that they always praise is my own brother, my flesh and blood. Not only that, I also work for him and his actually my boss and I didn't know! This is too much and it's even hard to process. The person I use to totally undermine is actually my own boss. 'Wow'. My throat became dry instantly. I watched them as they walk away without even noticing me hand in hand. I'm even amazed that Zelo stayed all this time and made him a better man, by the look of things they are so much inlove. My heart is beating very slow, I think I'm going to have another panick attack. I find it hard to breathe, my heart is failing again. My knees are getting weaker and weaker. I tried to control my breathings but it was too impossible. If I die today God please accept my soul I offer myself to you, everything hurts. I let my body take over and I fell.


Everything happened so fast, from the interview, to Muzi loosing himself and collapsing. The paramedics came right in time and he was rushed to the hospital since he wasn't breathing. Phaka showed me another side of him a side of kindness, the side I never knew it existed. After all the suffering we caused him he still had the hearts to care. He went with Muzi to hospital in an ambulance. I had to go the house and change cause I Sphesihle urinated himself out of shock 'chucks'. When I arrived I took a shower and soaked the clothes that smell of urine. I have no car so I am forced to take a taxi to the hospital, atleast I smell fresh. How am I going to face him? What do I say to him? I ended up having positivity and went inside finding Phaka looking outside the window. Damn he looked good.
I clear my throat in fear, "I don't even know what to say or even begin." I tried to continue but my voice failed me and ended up bursting into tears.
Phaka looked at me with so much emotions running around his head. Part of him wants to have a relationship with his brother's and another part is scared to death. Seeing him like this, looking all broken is a fucked up situation. "It's ok Sphe," they hug for the first time and that made him cry even more until he was calmer.
"I'm sorry brother, I...."
"I forgave you, let's focus on Muzi everything else shall fall into space." They sat down as they waited for the doctor.


What an incident, I never expected this at all. I will try not to stress I got to think about my penguins, but I can't just sit and not worry about my husband. Is he fine wherever he is? Are they giving him a hard time? I ended up calling Gcina to go to the hospital. I also called his mother but didn't take the news lightly.


Gcina arrived at the hospital finding Phaka and Sphe talking to the doctor at his office.
Sighs, "he had a heart failure again." The doctor explains.
"Again?" They are all shocked to the news.
"Yes he fainted a few days back and we discovered that he had a panick attack."
"Will he be fine? How bad is it and what's the cause of it?" Phaka's asks in a concerned voice.
"We actually discovered that he has Coronary heart disease also called CAD atherosclerotic heart disease. It actually caused by alot of stress. Meaning he is going through alot and not speaking to anyone about it."
"I'm so lost. I mean he looks healthy. He didn't even tell us that he was once hospitalized." She chips in.
"Ok so this diseases develops when the major blood vessels that supply your heart become damage. The coronary arteries supply blood, oxygen and nutrients to your heart. A build-up of plaque can narrow these arteries, decreasing blood flow to your heart. Eventually the reduced blood flow may cause chest pains and shortness of breathe. A complete blockage could cause a heart attack. At this point chances of him surviving are very slim unless we get a new heart donor for him." The doctor says and turns to walk away.

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