Chapter 27

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I grab my phone off the desk and look at the notification on my lock screen. One missed call and new voice mail from Foster. I quickly unlock it and sit beside Sam on my bed.

"What did he want?" Sam asks as I stare down at the new voice mail.

"Well I'm about to find out," I click play on the message. There's buzzing for a moment, but eventually I hear Foster's voice on the speaker.

"Well since you didn't answer, I'm going to assume you're either dead or hanging out with Sam... Hi Saaam," He says in an exaggerated tone. "Anyhoo, just wanted to let you know we're leaving at six tomorrow morning, so be ready by five forty-five!" He says in another jovial voice.
"Also I wanted to say thanks for being so cool with Josh coming on the trip. I know it's been weird with him lately, but I just wanna make sure you're comfortable." His tone is sincere for a moment, but then the sound of his laughter begins. "Alright this voice mail has gone on for too long, see you tomorrow, try not to dream about me too much tonight!" The voice mail ends.

"Hear that, Sam? Try not to dream about Foster too much, got it?" I poke at Sam.

"The only dreams I'll have of Foster will be my nightmares." He envelops himself in my blanket and I give him a laugh. I sigh and lie beside him, both of staring at the ceiling.

"Are you excited?" I ask quietly.
"Yeah, are you?"
"I think so."
"Okay," He finishes.

We stare again, neither of us saying a word. I can't tell if he's as anxious as I am for this trip. Will the rest of Josh and Foster's friends like me? Where will I sleep? What if I lose my toothbrush?

"You like Foster yet?" Sam speaks from his blanket cocoon.
You like Foster yet?

"No.. You going to tell me who you like yet?" I mock him.
"You suck."
"Well you're a pain." He retorts.
"Well then I hate you."
"No you don't."
"I know." I sigh. "I'm just bored."

"I know, me too. What time is it?" He asks with a sigh.

"Almost ten." If I want to wake up early, I better be getting to bed soon.

"Alright, I'm heading out. You want me to bring you some breakfast tomorrow?" He asks as he unwraps himself from his blanket.

"Depends, whatcha making?" I ask standing and zippering up my small suitcase.

"Toast?" He shrugs. "I'll figure it out tomorrow. See in the morning," he puts his hands in his sweatpants before showing himself out of my bedroom door.

"Bye Sam!" I yell as I hear his footsteps walk down the steps of the stairs.

I tug the suitcase off the bed and lie it next to my bedroom door. Only a few hours before I'm on my way to Kentucky, and I barely feel tired.

I wash my face and brush my teeth before rolling myself into bed. Still not tired. I consider taking out my phone, but not even social media can keep me entertained at this point. I watch the curtains next to my open window sway back and forth, hoping that the fluid motion might put me to sleep, but still no luck. I just want to be in the car already. I'm too excited for my own good. I wonder what Josh is thinking of right now. How stupid can I be? I turned him away and now he thinks I just want to be his friend. No, he won't think of me in that light. And I'll for sure never see him as just a friend either.


I wake up to my loud alarm clock ringing in my ears. What time is it? Is it really already morning? The clock on my doc reads 5:17. I don't even remember falling asleep last night. No time to question it. Gotta get ready.

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