Chapter 9

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I stare out the window as Sam drives down the avenue into town. He keeps changing the radio station and I'm slowly becoming annoyed with all the static coming from the speakers.

"Just turn it off," I roll my eyes.

"Stop being grumpy," he retorts.

"How am I being grumpy?" I ask him.

"Well for starters, you have refused to talk to me for the past eight minutes," he starts, "and you won't look anywhere but out your window."

"So I like the view," I shrug.

"Uh huh," he nods.

"Alright, I'll stop," I say facing forward in my seat.

"Good." he says turning left onto our restaurants street.

It's a small burger joint, but everyone who's local loves it.

"I can pay this time," Sam says pulling up to the curb in front of the restaurant.

"No, I hate when you pay for me," I whine.

"I thought girls liked it when guys paid for them," he laughs.

"I have my own money. And plus, you're not a guy, you're Sam."

"Thank you for that, really. Totally boosted my self confidence." he nods and speaks sarcastically.

"You know what I mean," I shrug and open the car door.

"Um, I really don't," he laughs and opens his door as well. "Just let me pay."

"Fine," I agree.

I wait on the sidewalk for Sam to make his way around the car. He joins me and we walk into the small building.

We are immediately greeted by Charlie, whose family owns the place. He moved here last year and he's a grade below us. He's a quirky, skinny guy who's kind of quiet. We greeted him kindly when he first arrived. He still doesn't have many friends, but he found comfort in a girl named Emma, whose been his girlfriend for about four months.

"Hi Sam, hi Jennifer. Good to see you guys," he says with a small smile.

"Hey Charlie," Sam greets.

"How've you been?" I ask as Sam and I walk to the counter.

"Good. I haven't been really doing much, but I'm okay," he nods.

"And how's Emma?" I ask.

"Really good. She was just here earlier, actually," he says as his eyes light up.

"That's cool. So are you working here for the rest of the summer?" Sam asks with his hands in his pockets.

"Mondays and Wednesdays," he nods. "And also sometimes Fridays but those are optional." he lengthens.
"Sorry, um, what can I get for you guys?"

"I'll just have a cheeseburger with a medium drink," I say first.

"I'll have a double cheeseburger with tomato and mayo with fries and a large drink," Sam adds.

"Fatty," I laugh.

He glares at me before a smile begins to form on his mouth.
"Alright Charlie, that's about it. Jen said she's paying today. I'm gonna go fill up my cup," he smiles down to me, grabbing his cup and walking away.

"I thought you said you were paying," I say to him as he walks over to the soda machine.

"That was before you called me fatty," he replies.

I shake my head at him and hand Charlie a twenty dollar bill.

"You're change is eight thirty-two. Do you want the receipt?" he asks holding up the small piece of paper.

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