Chapter 22

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Josh's motorcycle engine blares behind me as I race to his house. My legs are killing me from riding around on the bike. I almost give out twice before I finally come to the front of Will's house. I slow my pace as step over the curb and jog across the lawn. How could I forget about our date? I've never been so embarrassed. I can't believe I forgot to bring my phone with me! I knew going with Josh would result in something bad happening. I only have myself to blame for losing track of time. Josh just played a simple roll in all of this. I have to admit, even though I forgot about my plans with Will, I had a great time with Josh. It was my first experience on a motorcycle and I have him to thank for the lively memories I'll keep. But I feel ashamed thinking about how many calls or texts I have from Will. I can't help but let out a grunt of frustration from my poor actions. I quickly scale the porch steps and practically leap to the door. I knock twice and press the doorbell once and step back, waiting for someone to answer. I knock again, but am interrupted when the door swings open.

"Hello- what are you wearing?" Foster groans as the door open.

"Is that how you greet all your guests?" I raise an eyebrow to his abrupt address. I straighten my top and tug at my t-shirt to try and get rid of any wrinkles. Do I really look bad?

"I didn't know it was you. And I was talking about the helmet, you dork." He smirks and I smile as well. No, we came to find Will, not Foster

"Where's Will?" I ask with a slight pant. I look over Foster's shoulder, but it's no use trying to look for him from this distance.

"Don't know, but I heard you ditched him today. Was it for me?" He teases raising his eyebrows up and down. I hear Josh's motorcycle engine end behind me.

"Can I talk to him?" I don't wait for an answer. I walk past Foster in the doorway, inviting myself in. The house is a relaxing cold, and it shivers away the heat of the sun. The natural light from the windows bounce off the white walls, giving the large room a slight glow.

"Yes, please come in, Jen!" Foster says in a sarcastic tone before shutting the door. I walk into the large living room and catch a glimpse of blonde hair. I walk closer to couch, but instead find Connor watching television. I turn around and look past the counter into the kitchen, but he still isn't to be found. I exhale, trying to calm my nerves.

"Hi Jen. He's in his room." Connor points with his left hand to the bedroom door next to the deck windows. He doesn't remove his eyes once from the television.

"Hi Connor. Thanks." I greet and acknowledge him. I take off the silver helmet and pat my hair down so none of the stands are sticking up. I walk around the couches and past the deck doors and windows to Will's bedroom. I take a deep breath before raising my hand and knocking twice. I tap my fingers against the helmet as I await an answer. The doorknob finally turns and the white door is pulled open.

"I told you guys to leave me-" Will's words stop when his eyes fall on me. I don't even know how to begin. His eyes immediately turn to the helmet underneath my arm, and I see the muscles in his jaw clench together. "Sorry, I didn't know it was you." I find him repeating the same words Foster said when he greeted me in front.

"No, I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry, I completely forgot about our date!" There's no point in pretending I didn't forget when I clearly did. "I left my phone in my room when I went um, I was-"

"You were on the bike with Josh.. I understand, it's okay." He tries to take the tension off my shoulders, but the disappointment in his eye is too overbearing not to miss.

"No, it's not okay. I wasn't thinking-"

"Um, why don't we talk in my room." Will looks behind me for a brief moment. I turn my head over my shoulder and see Josh walking into the living room, helmet in hand. He catches my gaze and his footing slows.

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