Chapter 34

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"My gosh, it's so good to see the ocean again," I hear Sam say from the backseat.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I actually missed North Carolina," Foster chimes.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and sit up in my seat. I look out the windshield and see my favorite town. My hometown. All the little shops still open with people roaming the sidewalk. To my left, Josh driving, his right hand resting on my leg. He knows how ecstatic I am to finally be back. He gives me a smile before returning his eyes to the road. And to my right, I see the ocean and all its greatness. The sun is shining and the air is warm, like something out of a dream. Just thinking about the sand underneath my feet and the splash of water against my skin makes my heart melt with happiness. I'm finally home.

We turn down the block to our street, and I can feel my body and heart relax. I've never longed to be back in my own home for so long. Kentucky was fun, but this is where my summer belongs. We pass by kids on their bikes and a few more houses before finally reaching ours. Josh pulls into my driveway to drop me off first. He puts the car in park, and we all sit for a moment together.

"Well," Josh begins, "It was a fun ride guys."

"Maybe for you." Sam speaks. "Foster's feet smell so bad."

"What? My feet and the rest of my body smell like a rose garden, thank you very much," Foster retorts.

Before any of us say anything else, my mother walks through the front door. She waves at us and begins her way down to the driveway. I exit the car and prepare myself for the greeting I'm about to receive. She opens her arms and takes me in them, radiating comfort and love. "Oh Jennifer, I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Mom," I laugh and pull away. "Where's Dad?"

"Inside making us a late lunch. How was the trip?" She asks as the three boys exit the car.

"It was good. I sort of have to tell you something," I speak before we're interrupted by Sam, who comes wheeling mine and his suitcase. Guess the news about me and Josh will have to wait.

"Hi Mrs. Lawrence," Sam greets her with a hug as well.
"Hi sweetheart, good to see you," She smiles up to him. Josh and Foster stand awkwardly behind Sam as they wait to greet her as well. "Oh come on, you boys get a hug too!" She says before hugging each of them. "Are you all staying to eat?"

"I should probably say hi to my parents and unpack. I could stop by later." Sam turns down the invite.

"Yeah, we should probably go say hi to my mom too. Don't want her to think we got stuck on the side of the highway," Foster answers for both him and Josh. "Thanks for letting Jen come along, Mrs. Lawrence." Foster thanks her one more time.

"Of course. You're welcome for lunch if you change your minds, we made lots of food!" She smiles to them.

"Yeah, thank you," Josh says the same. He gives me one last smile before he and Foster get back in his car to park it back in their own driveway.

"See you later, Sam," I say as I grab my suitcase.

"See you," he gives me a dimpled smile and begins to walk across the lawn to his house.

"Well come on then, let's get you something to eat," my mother ushers me into the house. She doesn't have to tell me twice, I can't wait to eat.


Our late lunch consists of hot dogs, burgers, and grilled chicken, all thanks to my dad. I have one of everything because let's be real, I couldn't limit myself to just one choice. I reminisce about Kentucky and tell my parents about the beach, the hiking, and how kind Wes was to Sam and I. I begin to tap my heel against the ground. I have to tell them about Josh. How do I bring him into the conversation?

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