Chapter 11

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"Jennifer Lawrence, if you don't come downstairs right now, you're not getting any breakfast!" My mother calls for me once more.

I groan at the sound of her voice. I sit up from my spot on the bed and turn off the TV that's been on all night.

"Coming!" I yell back.
The sun's warm rays are shining in through the window. Much better weather to wake up to rather than rain.

I roll my legs off the side of the bed and sit on the edge as I rub the sleep out of my eyes. 10:23. I had almost forgotten Josh had even left last night. He stayed until about 2 a.m. We watched movies and TV, and every now and then, he'd try to steal another kiss from me. I'm surprised my parents didn't wake up, considering he practically fell down the stairs on his way out. We were both laughing hysterically and I'm sure the neighbors across the street could've heard us. Feels so long ago.

I stand from my bed and pull my hoodie tighter around me. I walk to my bedroom door and as soon as I open it, the smell of pancakes fills my nose. I walk down the stairs and see my parents sitting at the kitchen table. As usual, my father is reading the paper and my mother is pouring him more coffee. It's a sight that I've gotten used to over the years.

"Well it's about time you came downstairs, pancakes are getting cold," My mother says as I come to the bottom of the stairs.

"Sorry, I was up late last night," I say rubbing my eyes again and dragging my feet to the table.

"Did Josh enjoy dinner last night?" My mothers asks eagerly.

"Yeah, he really liked your pasta," I nod as I take my usual seat across from my father at the table.

"What time did he leave last night?" She asks as she sets the pancakes on the middle of the table.

I'm guessing she heard us if she's asking. She never asks what time Liam leaves when he stays late. I stab my fork into the top two pancakes and plop them down on my plate.

"Jennifer," She insists again.

"I don't know, maybe twelve," I shrug, hoping she accepts the lie.

"Huh. I guess I thought I heard you guys around two. But as long as you got your rest," she smiles sitting down at the table.

I pour syrup on my pancakes. I begin to cut small pieces off and take small bites, but my father begins to clear his throat as soon as I begin to think I'm in the clear.

"I like your new hoodie, Jen. Where'd you get it?" he asks without looking up from his paper.

I'm confused as to what he means by 'new'. I look down to my green hoodie and realize that it's not new to me, but it's new to him. I had fallen asleep with Josh's hoodie on and I hadn't realized it.

"It's Josh's," I say trying to end the conversation there.

"Wow. Three days you've known him, and you're already wearing his clothes," My dad laughs to my mother, but she rolls her eyes at him.

"He's joking, we like Josh very much." She smiles.

"He's just my friend. Don't get too excited," I say as I continue to take bites of my pancakes.

"We know, we know," my mother trails off and pours more coffee in her mug. "But you can tell me if you like him, Jennifer," she says setting her mug down in front of her with a smile.

"Mom," I exclaim, slouching in my seat.

"I'm just saying, Jennifer. I'm letting you know that I approve," she shrugs.

"I don't need approval because he's just my friend," I say pushing my plate away from me.

"I just thought because he stayed late like Liam usually does-"

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