Chapter 30

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I wake in my bed, tired and not at all ready for the day. The sun isn't shining through the windows like it had been the previous morning, and the room is a cooler temperature. I wrap myself underneath the blankets, covering myself from potentially seeing anyone anytime soon.

Foster seemed upset last night, but I was too tired to do anything about it. What I don't understand is how he knew I wanted to see Josh. I mean, I didn't really know myself, but once I saw him walk in, I felt relieved. Almost revived. The guilt inside my heart isn't settling out, however. Foster resides in my mind, and I'm still unsure of what to make of him and what he wants. The thought hurts my mind and maybe even a piece of my heart because I know Foster and I are on very different pages. The knock on my door signals my thoughts to bury themselves as I yell "Come in."

Sam appears from behind the door, poking his head in before allowing himself to enter the room. "Good morning sunshine." He smiles.

"What's so good about it." I tug the covers over my head.

"Wow, someone's in a good mood," Sam says walking over and sitting at the foot of my bed. "Come on, we're going hiking today."

I forgot we had planned to go to Red River Gorge. Josh told me he'd take me there one day, and today gets to be that day. Except Sam, Foster, Wes, and Lachlan will be there too, so I guess you can't really count it as special.

"Sorry. Did you sleep well?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"The couch wasn't exactly comfortable, but it was good." He shrugs.

"What time are we leaving?" I ask sitting up and resting against the headboard.

"After breakfast, I guess. Wes already started making waffles." Sam nods. There's a knock on the open door, and I look to find Foster leaning against the doorframe in his pajamas.

"You guys are in here having a party without me? Very inconsiderate," he shakes his head with a smirk as he trots to the other side of the room to lay across the foot of the bed.

"I was just trying to get Jen downstairs for breakfast." Sam sighs.

"Jennifer, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! There is no time to waste!" Foster peers at me with another smile. I don't understand how he can turn off and on from the person he was last night to who he is now. Sure, he can be sensitive, but the delicate Foster that carried me up to bed seems to be no where in sight.

"I know, I'm coming," I nod to both of them, then looking back down at Foster. He keeps the same smile, but it soon begins to fade.

"You alright, dear?" Foster raises an eyebrow at my sudden concern for him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. How are you?" I ask with concern. A switch flips in his mind when he realizes I'm asking if he has any answers for what happened last night. His mouth parts for a moment, but presses back into a smile and the hope for a real answer disappears.

"I'll be absolutely perfect as soon as we eat some breakfast, right Sam!" Foster sits up and shakes Sam's shoulders.

"Whoa, yeah Foster, of course. We'll meet you downstairs, Jen." Sam finishes. He stands from the bed as Foster rolls off the side. The two of them head out the door, but not before Foster gives me a big smile.

I pull myself out of bed as soon as the two disappear into the hall. I pull on a sweater, too excited for breakfast. Excited for breakfast? I'm letting my eagerness get the best of me. Its just a hiking trip. No big deal, right?

I walk quietly to the door and down the hall to the staircase. The aroma of bacon fills my nose as soon as I reach the bottom step. I enter to kitchen and see Wes serving plates on the counter where Josh sits across from him. Foster and Sam gather their own breakfast at the table. No Lachlan.

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