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Headcanons for the Adventure Forward cast? Peck yes



- Cyalm loves tea. If he could, he'd drink tea ALL the time, or at least make it like water

- When Cyalm was still around. He would sometimes make dark jokes or comments.

- Cyalm most likely could have destroyed reality the moment he trapped stratosfear. But decided to wait three hundred years to make his narrative better.

- He sometimes wears a blue top hat with a yellow band when he's feeling nostalgic or fancy

- Celesteal is a tea brand. This is not a headcanon, this is a fact. Look it up on google.


Second Star Savior

- After the Celesteal fight, The Second star savior becomes both worrisome and braver. They Gain the courage to ask their friends about certain things and in't scared to fight for what they believe is right. But after the terror of almost failing to save reality several times, they become more troubled/worried when a new fight is about to begin. They're also more cautious around certain things like nails and spinning things because of all the courses.

- The first Star Savior looks similar to the robloxians because *shrugs* why not?

- The Second Savior stands out more due to the advance in Roblox clothing and styles.

- The Star Saviors have a voice in their head. They only hear it sometimes like on adventures or fighting someone. The second Star Savior sometimes tries talking with it and understanding why it tails them.

- Said voice is the player, they can only see the events that happen in-game. So anything like personal lives or get-togethers aren't really that vivid to them.

- The Star Saviors were special because they couldn't take fall damage. Normal Robloxians can't do that (I just want a logical reason for the no fall damage thing)

- The Star Saviors likes astronomy. They're just studying stars by now because that's what their lives have come to.

- With each star, the star saviors grow stronger and more immune to the heat.

- The second savior beats themselves up (not literally) after they mess something up, claiming they're not allowed to do that when something like Celesteal returns. Other points try to help them break this habit, but they still do it secretly.

- Second Savior is closer with the kinder points and tries to chat with some of the others like Naen and Solgon.

- The Saviors can see and hear other "timelines". They can help each other out, and some are even aware of their fates and futures. (Again this is related to the game being multiplayer but I wanted to make it canon)

- The Second Savior's interactions with their voice go even outside of Adventure Forward and even into other Roblox games. The obbies would most likely just be dreams though

- The Star Savior is a descendant of the first Star Savior. So they most likely would have the same last name or at least familiar names mentioned when talking about family.



- Stratosfear is amazing at parkour and maneuvering through stuff but is horrible at fights since they had only two battles the entire time.

- Stratosfear is friendlier and more open when Anshine is around

- Stratosfear's imprisonment was more bearable due to the other timelines. They chat with them sometimes and even learned about future events from them like the other points and the coming of the second star savior.

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