A Gift of Tea

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Claud was humming a simple Christmas carol as he wrote away in a hardcover book. He was facing away from you, so it wasn't a surprise when he flinched as you made your presence known.

"Ah- Greetings! I didn't see you there. Then again, when do we ever see you?" He greeted, chuckling as he closed the book in his hands.

"It's a pleasure being able to see all of you. Or at least... a comprehensible form for all of you." He stared at you quietly, intrigued and curious at your form. It wasn't one he was used to seeing... or was it? He wasn't sure.

"Well, I suppose you're here for a reason. What do you need, my Audience?" Claud asked, smiling at you.

>You tell him it's Christmas

"Oh, already? Ahah, it feels like it just started snowing yesterday" Claud laughed, looking up at the sky above you two.

"Well, if it already is. Then Merry Christmas, my Audience! I hope my narratives can satisfy"

>You give him a present. Its wrapping and ribbons are coloured after you.

"Oh- For me? Ahaha, you're too kind! I... haven't prepared anything for the occasion yet. I was too busy writing ehe.."

Claud looks at the gift for a moment before opening it. He stares inside the box with a surprised expression and takes out a white tea cup with light blue details drawn all over. The author looks at you and smiles widely, clearly enjoying his gift.

"My Audience, you shouldn't have. The details on this are all so intricate.. Where did you even find this?" Claud asks, examining the tea cup.

>You laugh and tell him it's a secret

"Shame... I wanted to get you one in return. Perhaps we could have a tea party instead. Consider it as my thank you." He offers

>You glady accept his offer.

The author smiles wider and puts the tea cup back in the box before walking off somewhere. You follow him and hold a conversation about him, his narratives and anything else that comes to mind.

The conversation lasts for the whole tea party and before you knew it, you were parting ways for the time being. Both of you were saddened by this, but you promise him that you'll be back for more.

"Farewell, my Audience. I hope you have a wonderful new year!" Claud smiles and bows. "May you enjoy all that I have to serve."

>You wait for him to stand upright before hugging him. Bidding your farewell and going back to where you came from. You tell yourself that you'll be back.

Happy 2022 you guys! I cannot thank you all ENOUGH for all the reads this book has gotten. I only expected it to reach 10-12 reads at first, but now it's gotten over 2k reads!! Thank you all for sticking around for almost a whole year now. With everything going on, I hope you'll all recieve only the best in life.

Until the next chapter,

Bye bye!

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