Headcanons 2

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DISCLAIMER: THESE HEADCANONS ARE GOING TO BE UNPUBLISHED WHEN THE STARS ALIGN DEMO RELEASES AGAIN. I am aware that these characters are no longer part of the Adventure Forward narrative and I will treat them as such, a new book for Stars Align will be published soon after the demo's release (I hope)

This chapter also doesn't include the Timelings, Lab Ratz, King Chronos, Mira Mira, and Madenza (as this was made before she was revealed)


- Aromist's favorite plant is either tulips or Wisteria

- (inspired by a Kirby headcanons book, originally this was for Taranza) Is probably fluent in flower, also knowing what each bouquet of flowers would mean. So if she doesn't like someone, she could possibly curse them in flower and they would never know

- Aromist has to deal with the mild chaos the Timelings somehow get into. She doesn't know how or why they end up wherever they do, all she knows is that she has to get them out.

- Aromist is very welcoming and doesn't hesitate to help someone out. Consider her as a kinder, more plant-loving version of Shallare when it comes to friendliness.

- Ask her for a bouquet of something and she'll hand one over asap. If she doesn't have any plants of your liking grown yet, she'll start growing some right away.

- Dating advice? Not too good, but she's trying to help your love life be the best it can be!

- No matter how rude you'd be, Aromist sees the good in everyone. You might get annoyed by how naive she can be, but that's okay with her. She'll keep trying to bring out the good in you.

- Despite how Naive she can be, she knows where to draw the line and fight back.

- She's the Mom friend if the AF3 points became friends.

- When she notes that Nucleon's been in his workspace for a long while, she'll ask Ectovius and/or Kydra to pull him out for some water or food. Aromist has to bribe Kydra most of the time.

- She has a table somewhere by a greenhouse for when her friends come and visit. It's often lonely there, but she still often goes there to just relax and wait for visitors.

- Aromist wants to try several things and is very curious about the world around her. If she met Shallare or Arrolin they're going to go to SO MANY places

- She'd probably greet Yawgate like an old friend if he visits. Yaw's the gateway, after all, they're most likely familiar with each other.


- Nucleon is a bit of a flirt, honestly. If he's given the chance he'd flirt with whoever he's talking to. He doesn't have any intentions behind it other than making the other person smile and lightening the mood.

- He's upbeat and cheery, always excited to get to work and figure things out. Despite this, Nucleon's very serious when he's actually working. Always making sure that nothing's going wrong in his world.

- Nucleon doesn't like it when someone interrupts his work, but some people still do it anyways to make him eat or sleep and take care of himself.

- He doesn't like helping people when he's in work mode but runs over quickly when he's not.

- Nucleon works on bigger projects than Shallare. If these two ever meet up, expect them to geek out and tour Nucleon's world rambling about tech. No one will understand them except Mino.

- He's the one usually giving nicknames. But some people call him Nuc, Leon, and Goggles.

- Once he's in work mode, it feels like everyone's suddenly plotting against him.

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