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I could not find it. /ref

Possibly bad writing?? I didn't want to do anything so I drabbles words that barely make sense together.


Cyalm sat on the floor with several piles of books scattered around them. The library was a mess, and so was the author.

The books were all half read, newly bought, or have been untouched for years. They wanted to read up again, but nothing caught their interest today. Not a single book seemed appealing enough to read

So they thought that maybe all they needed was to work on their own narrative. An easy fix to their cravings, right? Work on the next plot point, read through it and make sure it makes sense with everything else, and do it all again with the next 7 events.

Except that didn't really work out either. The notebook in front of Cyalm was simply sitting there, as untouched as everything else in the library. A pen lazily sprawled beside it just waiting for the author to pick it up and write.

The point was getting frustrated at this point, why wasn't anything worth doing today!? Was the narrative not actually that good? Did he make a wrong turn somewhere with the plot?? They didn't know, but they'd be lying if it said they didn't hate it right now.

So Cyalm got up from his spot on the floor and left. He'll come back to this later when he's not angry at the words he hasn't written, for now he needs a tea break.

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