Cyalm x Reader(kinda)

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Ah... Summer, the best season to just sit back, relax, and not worry about anything... Unfortunately for you, this wasn't the case.

You just got out of Frosted Snowland with Compale's symbol in hand. He didn't trust you as much as you hoped he did, and now you have a sore body and bleeding arm.

Limping towards the symbol door in front of you. You took out Signol's symbol and held both in front of it. With a simple white glow on both markings on the door, it cut itself in half and opened the way into the rest of the Sky Emporium.

Cyalm stood by a hallway, looking at the birdhouse on the opposite side of the golden-brown room you two stood in. He was humming a little melody you heard in Signol's world and, surprisingly, it was your favorite tune there.

  "Hey there, Cyalm!" You greeted, startling the mentioned Point before you. He stopped humming and stood properly, facing you with a calm smile.

  "Ah, Star Savior! Glad to see you've collected another Point's symbol." Cyalm said as you walked towards him. "I can tell you've had some trouble with Compale"

  "Yeah... He didn't trust me as much as Shallare and Signol did. But at least I convinced him." You replied, holding up his symbol with your non-bleeding arm.

  "You should be more careful, though. Heroes need to keep themselves in tip-top shape after all" Cyalm reminded. He then held out his hand at you, looking at your bleeding arm. "May I see your arm?"

  "Uhhh... Sure?" You held out your arm in front of him and hissed slightly at the pain. Your arm had been cut by a snowflake hurled at you during your fight, so now there was a huge cut on it.

Holding your arm, Cyalm whispered something that sounded like a chant and lightly brushed his fingers over the wound.

You yelled in pain from his movement and jerked your arm back but Cyalm held it in place, muttering a 'don't move' as he rubbed his fingers over your wound.

After a minute of trying not to yell in pain, Cyalm finally let go of your arm. You held your arm close and glared at him, taking a step back.

   "What on Earth was THAT for!?" You asked him. Making him tilt his head.

   "I healed you?" He replied, confused about your yelling.

   "It hurt a lot! You just touched my arm like there wasn't a huge cut on it! What were you even- wait you healed me?" You cut yourself off, realizing what he said.

Cyalm motioned you to look at your arm and smiled smugly as you did. Your arm still had a lot of blood on it, but the bleeding stopped and the wound wasn't there anymore.

   "You did heal me." You muttered, touching your arm.

   "Does anything else hurt?" Cyalm asked, leaning forward a bit to get a better look at you.

   "My body is still sore... but I can manage. Why do you ask?" You replied, looking at the point in front of you.

   "One, you just got out of a fight. How could I not ask if you were okay? Two, your face is a bit more red than usual." Cyalm pointed out.

You mentally flicked yourself as he gave reason one, but paused as he moved on to the second reason. Your face was red?

   "...Savior? Are you sure you're okay? You're getting redder"

You froze in place, realizing that you were blushing, then quickly took a few more steps away from Cyalm. Now aware of how hot your cheeks were becoming.

   "AHAHA- Y-Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. I just- didn't realize how stupid my question was hehe.."

The blue point stared for a moment and chuckled, folding his arms behind his back. "It's okay, you don't need to be so embarrassed about it. You may be the Star Savior, but you're still allowed to make mistakes."

Your cheeks felt hotter as you nodded quickly while staring at him, not knowing what to say.

"Th-thanks for the advice, C-Cyalm... I k-kinda needed that. N-Not that I'm too embarrassed from this but- i-it just feels nice knowing someone t-tries to k-keep me going-- Though I still would continue of course even without a-all of this!- I mean who wants reality dead after all- O-other than that Celesteal guy- He's- yeah- I-I don't really-"

Cyalm watched in amusement as you stumble over your words, covering his mouth as he giggled. His symbol let out a faint glow as the cloud behind him seemed to breathe a gentle breeze around him. "You're cute when you're caught off guard, you know that, Savior?"

   "W-wha- r-really?" You asked.

   "Of course! I mean everything I say." Cyalm confirmed, smiling softly at you. "Everything."

The Star Savior stared silently at Cyalm for a long moment, weighing the truths of that statement. They eventually smiled at him with rose-tinted cheeks. "Thanks, Cyalm. That means a lot."

   "Hmm... It's getting late, no? You should get some rest" Cyalm suggested, staring down the hallway beside him. "Shall I help escort you home?"

  "Huh?? Oh nononono! It's fine. I can head home on my own" The Savior protests, shaking their hands.

   "Are you sure?"


  "Alright... if you say so. Take care, Savior. Come back when you're feeling better."

Cyalm nodded as the Savior bid goodbye and headed deeper into the Sky Emporium. Before the Savior left the Golden brown room, they looked back at Cyalm and watched him disappear into the next room. The Savior was left to wonder about what could be in the next room. They'll just have to wait and see what comes when they Adventure Forward tomorrow.

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