There's Fun in the Rain Too?

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Contents - Rain, enjoyment, and a bit of convincing someone to enjoy themself.

Happy Valentines! It's been a little while since I was able to write for this book, but we're here again for another Cyalm x Reader!


Valentine's day, what a beautiful occasion for all to enjoy. Spending time with spouses, lovers, friends, and family all day and enjoying their presence in one's life. This might be one of the most affectionate days of the year.

...except this year didn't really go as planned for anyone.

Picnics, vacations, and most other outdoor activities were canned for the following day thanks to heavy rain pouring down from the heavens.

You walk down the park with Cyalm beside you, sighing as you stare up at the dark skies. The author was holding up an umbrella for the both of you as you walked through the park. Today the two of you would've had a nice little hike up a mountain to have a nice break from everything, but unfortunately the world said otherwise.

"You know, my audience. Today could still be an enjoyable day for us" Cyalm turned his head to look at you before holding your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as he spoke.
"A visit to the library could be nice, or perhaps we could return to the Emporium and have some tea instead?"

You bring your gaze down to stare at his symbol, shaking your head and holding Cyalm's hand with a lighter hold than his own.
"Cy.. today was supposed to be a day for you to get out of those places for once! You're almost always holed up in the library to read or write when the Savior isn't around"

"My audience you all know I do this to better the narrative. It'd be a shame if I left you unsatisfied when I finally have to go." He stopped walking and turned to face you fully, his symbol glowing and his cloud slowly rising to his shoulders.
"I don't want to disappoint"

"But you won't! We'll like it as long as it's from you. Please, today is for you to forget about it and enjoy yourself." You stop beside him, a stern look on your face.

A glance behind him gives you an idea. Not too far away from the two of you on a wooden foundation is a playground, you smile and turn your attention back to him, holding his hand tighter as you start to pull him towards the playground.
"Besides, there's still fun to be had even in the rain!"

"Hold on- hold on my audience. I can't hold the umbrella up properly- you're getting wet-"

"And? We're gonna get soaked with where I plan on bringing you!"
You laugh and lower the umbrella in his hand, letting the two of you stand under the rain.

Cyalm immediately tries to raise it up and scold you, but you just take the umbrella from him and spin around with it, laughing and twirling it around as you grin at the author (who was highly unpleased with your actions)

"My audience please, you could get sick! I'm just glad I didn't bring my plot book with me else I-"

"Good! I told you bringing that heavy thing around everywhere wasn't a good move!! Now come on, let's enjoy ourselves for once!"

The cloud themed point stares quietly at the playground for a moment and sighs in defeat, trudging over to the playground where you were enjoying yourself, twirling under the rain and dancing with the umbrella. Cyalm grumbles under his breath as he sits down on the swing, thinking about how stupid he felt sitting drenched in the rain.

"May I ask what the purpose of that was? I don't see the appeal in being out in the rain when there's other things we could do." Cyalm asked, holding onto the swing.

"Why not? You said it yourself, we could still have fun today!"

"Without getting ourselves wet, my Audience. Being drenched in rain water isn't fun, how can you enjoy this?"

"That's because you're supposed to run around, not just sit there, grumpy!"
Once more, you hold Cyalm's hand and pull him onto his feet. Spinning with him before swaying around, as if you two were dancing a waltz.

"Just relax for a minute, Cyalm. Let's just enjoy our time under the rain and worry about the consequences later." You smile at him, a hand on his shoulder and another holding his own.

The author whines in response as they glare down at the ground, thinking. Technically they had nothing to lose. The Savior was spending today with the points, so there wasn't much of a need for him to be present. Cyalm didn't have anything important on him and neither did you, assuming that's why you were so confident about being out here.

"Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt to enjoy myself for a while..."
Cyalm looks up at you and smiles, nodding.
"Sure, why not."

You let out an excited squeal as you two danced, the author now letting himself enjoy his current predicament. He starts to hum as the dance goes on, stepping more properly and even twirling you around at some point.

You begin to chat as you enjoy the rain, playful banter sparking between you two until you dip into Cyalm arms and catch him off guard. When you rise back onto your feet you run off into the playground and taunt him, starting a chasing game between you and the author. The game goes on for a good while with both of you laughing and yelling at each other as you run through the playground. Eventually you both settle down and relax on the swings, laughing at jokes and small mishaps you had throughout the day.

By the time you have to go the rain has calmed down into a drizzle, letting you two carry on back to outside the sky emporium with an enjoyable silence in the air. You bid your farewells to the author and promise another visit before the narrative concludes, and return back to where you came from.

Cyalm, with a soft smile he had since earlier, lets out a soft chuckle and bows as you leave. He returns to the blue room and wonders how he was able to pull such a fun audience with his narrative.

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