Corvus x Reader

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This was originally written on messenger for a friend. Sorry if there are a ton of inconsistencies and typos.

WARNINGS - Degradation, Implied Masochism(?)
I'm sorry if that's not your thing, please skip this chapter if you're uncomfy/bothered by these.


A loud thud was heard through the temple as Corvus knocked you down once more. Both of you breathed heavily with cuts and bruises on your arms, face, and torso. Recently you two had gotten closer and closer and started sparring to keep ready for anything that could happen.

Corvus chuckled as he looked down on you, still holding his axe by your neck. Beads of sweat rolled down his face from today's training. He was rude to you most of the time, always grinning as he belittled and insulted you. Soliath did it too, but Corvus' insults sounded... different. Like there's something hidden underneath each word.

You let out a breathless laugh as you got up, watching Corvus move his axe away and walk to the side. Your job here was to help him deal with the elementals that broke out of their stone casing not so long ago. You didn't expect that you'd enjoy your time here by the slightest, but look at you now. Admiring the being that knocks you down over and over and over again, some might even suggest you had a crush on him.

"Weak as ever, Savior. You couldn't even shoot a single star at me." Corvus commented, examining his axe as he spoke.

"Yeah yeah... I almost got you off your feet, though." You replied, still looking at him.

"Almost is not enough. You should know that."

"Of course I do. But still, why give my all in fighting an ally I KNOW I won't need to fight?"

Corvus turned to look at you, standing silent for a while. You couldn't tell if he was disappointed, surprised, confused, or all three. Either way, you were getting nervous.

"Do you really think that you wouldn't be fighting ME?" The point asked, slowly starting to walk over to you.

"Well, not really. But-"

"What makes you so confident that you can beat me down if I try to kill you?"

"...Nothing. Although I-"

Corvus kicked down the Savior and kept his foot on their chest. The weight was hard enough to hurt you, but not enough to start breaking something.

"Listen. If you think I won't kill you one day, you're wrong. You'll never be strong enough to beat me, not even if you give it your all. Remember that" Corvus loomed over you, leaning down to mutter the threat into your face before slowly inching away. His glare was almost as sharp as his axe, cutting deep through your self-esteem and... through your heart?

Something just clicked there, for some reason. Something just made your bones shiver as he spoke. Was it his tone? His wording? His closeness? You didn't know, you just went along with whatever made you feel so light. I guess some of the others were right, you had a crush on the man you meant to hate.

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