Pain In The Heart

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Marine: "Dr. Mallard?"
Ducky: "Yes sir?"
Chaplain: "We regret to inform you, Leroy Jethro Gibbs has been killed in the service of his country."

Marine: "On behalf of the President Of The United States of America, we would like to thank you for your loved ones' sacrifice."

Chaplain: "Our deepest condolences on behalf of the Commandant of the Marine Corps and The President. Thank you."

Everyone in the office looks at Ducky with a "This can't be true" face, some have tears in their eyes and some hurt to their core. Gibbs' team stands there in shock trying to come up with a rational thought, but that was thrown out the window. McGee tried to hold back tears, Bishop tried, but they started flowing, Torres comforted her. Vance comes out to the shock of teary eyed agents with broken hearts, he doesn't know what happened, but he knows it's not good.

Vance: "What's going on?"

McGee: (Voice breaking) "Uh-I-"
Vance: "What the hell is going on!?"

Bishop: (Quietly sobbing)

Ducky: (In denial and not willing to talk)

Vance: "Someone tell me!"

Palmer: "Director, you might want to sit down."

Vance: "Just tell me what the hell is going on?"
Palmer: (Voice breaks) "I don't know how to say this-Agent Gibbs is-is dead."

Vance: "Huh-huh-"

Vance: "What the hell happened?"

Palmer: "His body arrives at Dover in 3 hours."

Vance: "I-I-I need some time."

20 minutes later the team manages to pull itself together enough for one of them to drive to Dover.

At Dover.

Marines open the door to a C-F130, to see one flag draped casket . 6 Marines pick up the caskett and carry it to the car. Along the walk, Marines, Airmen, Soldiers and Sailors there salute a fallen hero and welcome him home. The Marines arrive at NCIS, where Palmer and Ducky will perform the autopsy.

McGee: "Open it Duck."

Torres: "Hey, it's okay Ellie."

Bishop: (Crying) "NO it's not Nick."
Torres: "I know, I know."
Ducky: (Breaks down and leaves)

Vance: "Dr. Mall-"

Palmer: "Just leave him sir."
Palmer: "Look."

Vance: "Heh, my god."
McGee: "What?"

They all gather around the casket of their boss and mentor and gaze into it with glazed eyes to find a burnt skeleton and a heat altered NCIS badge that has been worn with distinction and honor for 30 years by Leroy Jethro Gibbs. The patriarch of NCIS. The team wants answers, but no one can give them any, because the mission that Gibbs was on, is classified and cannot be told to anyone.

Later that night

Delilah: "Hey honey you're home late."

McGee: (With a shaky voice) "I-I'm sorry.'

Delilah: "Hey, hey honey what's wrong?"
McGee: "I uh-we just received news..." (McGee breaks down)

McGee: (Sobbing) "Gi..bbs..Gibbs is de...dead."

Delilah: (Voice breaking) "I'm so sorry Tim."

McGee: (Through tears) "I need to tell Jack."

Delilah: "Are you sure you can do it now?"

McGee: "No, but I have too."

Delilah: "I got her."
Jack: "Hey how's-McGee what's wrong."

McGee: (Through tears) "I don't know how to tell you this."
Jack: "McGee..."

McGee: "I'm so sorry Sloane."

Jack: "Tell McGee, come on."
McGee: ""

Jack: "Oh my god."

McGee: "I..I'm sorry."

Jack: "I'll be there as soon as I can."

Ducky has to find a way to break the news to sweet Abby Scuito, who was like a daughter to him. Ducky hasn't dealt with his own emotions, who doesn't know how he is going to tell her.


Ducky: "Abigail."

Abby: "Is something going on?"

Ducky: "You know, when someone you love leaves you, you have to remember that they don't love you any less, it was just time for them to be called home."

Abby: (Starting to cry) "Who is it Ducky?"

Ducky: " gone."

Abby: "No, no, NO, not my Gibbs."

Ducky: "I can't believe it either."

Bishop has to find a way to tell Tony and Ziva, luckily Torres offered to stay with so at least she had someone there with her and just to talk.

Tony: "ZIVA! It's Ellie!"
Ziva: "Hello Eleanor."
Bishop: (Crying) "I-I have some news."

Tony: (Heart drops) "What is it Bishop?"
Bishop: "Gibbs"

Ziva: (Sobbing) "Tony!"
Tony: (Stunned)

Tony: "We'll be there tomorrow."

The next day with the death of Gibbs looming over NCIS and fresh in everyone's minds, everyone arrives at NCIS, to find out what happened and prepare for the funeral.

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