Chapter 8

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A/N: Eeeeee, Hi! Let's see, it's probably not a good idea that I don't have anything planned for this, and that I'm just going as my mind makes the story up. But I do plan on including Harry's vogue cover and all the others too, and I hope, you all enjoy this. :D

Song for the chapter: Angel of the Morning- Juice Newton


The next morning, Louis gets ready with a bit of a bounce in his step. He had spent the rest of his night browsing several issues of She, to get an idea about the topics it covered and make a list accordingly. He had found some amazing topics he could cover, and hoped Harry would agree to let him assist. When he gets to the office, Harry is not there yet, or anyone else for that matter, only a couple of interns. He decides to head towards the cafeteria and get himself a cup of tea. He is standing in line when he is tapped on the shoulder by a woman, smiling down at him.

"Louis right?" she enquires, extending her hand, "I'm Noelle. One of the writers."

Louis takes her hand and returns the smile, "Yeah, I'm Louis."

"Niall told me a bit about you, mostly about you wanting to get into journalism," she explains, "I looked up some of your articles, and they are so good! I would love to read more of them, is there a blog I can follow?"

Louis shakes his head, a little taken aback, "no, no blog yet. But I am thinking of starting one. Maybe, not sure yet."

"Oh. I'll be looking forward to it! Do tell me if you do."

"I will, thank you." An awkward silence falls between them, Louis is glad when the barista calls him for his order. Moving aside to wait for his order, he takes out his phone, but Noelle decides to speak again.

"Listen, there's a small gathering of writers I have been invited to, on Friday. Would you like to join me?"

"What sort of gathering?" Louis asks curiously, wondering why would she want to take him of all the people.

"Just a couple of writers and journalists from different magazines and papers. Sort of a monthly thing for us."

"And why would you want to take me along?" he asks, hurridly adding, "just out of curiosity. I'm sure there are others you could take with you."

He thinks he sees a little flush creeping up Noelle's face before she speaks up, "as I said, I loved your work. And I'm guessing you're not really here to be Harry's assistant. This might be a good opportunity for you to make connections."

"That's mighty nice of you, Noelle. Considering you don't even know me."

"It never hurts to have such a dashing plus one, does it?" she winks at him, turning around to leave, "you've got two days to think about it, just think about it."

Louis finishes his tea and heads towards his workspace, peeking into the office he notices Harry behind his desk, going through paperwork. He knocks at the door, waiting for a reply before entering.

"Come in!" Harry said looking up, a smile taking up his face, "Good morning Louis! Just the person I was looking for, I have something for you!"

"G'morning Harry. I, uh, wanted to ask you something too." Harry leaned back in his seat, eyeing the lad in front of him.

"Sure! Go on."

"Okay, so you know how I want to get into journalism, right?" He looked at his boss, getting a nod in return he continued, "so, I've been reading the previous issues and have come up with a list of topics that the magazine can cover and I was wondering if I could write a couple of them? Y'know, stay in practice and all that?"

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