Chapter 1

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Summary: HI! *sigh* here we go. This is my first time writing fan-fic, and hopefully not the last. I do have more ideas that I am working on, but I think I'll focus on this for now.

I am working on a playlist as well and will soon post the link here.

song for the chapter: Superpower- X Ambassadors

Twitter: _aadirao_


"Thank you for coming in Mr Tomlinson," says the man extending his hand as he gets up from the desk, "I'm afraid the position you are looking for is unavailable at the moment."

"Well, it's just my luck innit?" Louis says sending a charming smile to the man he just got shot down by, "Thank you for the opportunity, Mr Smith."

Once on the street, Louis takes a deep breath and starts walking towards the underground.

Just as he is about to start climbing down, he is brought out from his thoughts by his ringtone. He fishes the phone out of his pockets. Ugh shit, Niall. I was supposed to meet him...20 minutes back. Fucking hell.


"Tommo!" Niall roars on the other end, "Bloody hell mate? Where are you, been waiting for you all my life here!"

"A bit dramatic innit Neil?" Louis says, rolling his eyes, "anyhow, sorry, was in a meeting, running a bit late, see you in, uh, 15?"

"Cool, first rounds on you though."

"Nothing new there," he laughs, turning around heading towards their usual pub.


Four shots, two pints later, Niall and Louis make their way over to a booth, waiting for someone to take their orders.

"So Tommo, how did the meeting go?" Niall asks, taking off his jacket coat and putting it aside.

Louis looks around for a bit, halting, "It was a job interview actually," finally comes out, "and I didn't get it."

"Okay first off, that's what you wore to a job interview?"

He looks down at his attire, a simple light blue dress shirt and grey trousers.

"Umm yeah? Stop judging will you? You're the fashionista between the two of us."

A burst of roaring laughter comes from across the table, "fair enough. Okay, so this one didn't work out, you had a couple more interviews lined up didn't you?

"Yeah no, this was the last." sigh

"I see"

A server comes up, handing them the menus.

After being served, Niall leans forward, "You know, I could help out a bit" diving into his burger.

Louis' ears perk up at this, "Yeah? How? Do you know someone in newspaper agencies?"

"Well, I do, but I can't get a word in there, but, there's an opening coming up soon at my place, I could get you an interview, even, put a good word in, get you the jig maybe, y'know?"

"Wait, I'm confused, a job at your place? Niall are you already pissed? You work at a fashion magazine. I know nothing about fashion. You pointed it out not 5 minutes back."

"I know! But you don't have any better options right now, do you? The position pays well, you'll get time to write and all as well. You can keep applying to other places, plus our name on your resume won't hurt. Might even speed up things maybe? And who knows, you might like it there."

"That," Louis thinks about the whole deal, "does make sense. I mean, I can at least check it out yeah? You'll help me with the knowledge and all?"

"Of course, I'll send over an issue or two, and once you go through them, hit me up with any questions. I'm off the next two days anyway."

"Okay, yeah, okay, sounds good." A thought crosses his mind, "Can I come over tonight? I'll go through the magazines overnight, and you can fill me up with the rest tomorrow?"

"I wouldn't mind, but my roommate has guests over today, I'm crashing with someone else myself, but come over anytime after 3 tomorrow. We'll go through the issues together, yeah?"

"Sounds good, till then maybe I can go watch The Devil Wears Prada, have a little fantasy time and all, eh?" Louis winks, calling for the bill.

Niall just laughs sliding out of his seat, "Yeah, and please wear something...nice?"


It's late when Louis gets home. The lights are all out, Stan must either not be home or sleeping already.

I should probably move out of this apartment if I do land up at Niall's. Not exactly very healthy to live with your ex.

Quietly making his way around his apartment, he heads towards his bed and opens his laptop.

A couple of minutes later, he is on the website of Cosmopolitan, reading about all the titles and jobs he can land. Probably the staff writer? The others seem too specific, he thinks scrunching his nose, well the other stuff I'll leave for Niall to tell me.

He shuts the laptop and heads towards his kitchen, makes himself a sandwich and puts on The Devil wears Prada, won't hurt to know a few things and irk Niall.


Hey Nialler, I'm headed to your place, be there in 20. Louis hits send and blares You've Lost That Loving Feeling as he puts his car in reverse.

You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your lips, he hums along.

And there's no tendern- the song fades away, getting replaced with the incoming call, Niall?


"Tommo! My man! I know you're headed to my place, but like stop where you are."

"Okay? Is everything okay?" Louis asks, voice full of concern.

"Yeah yeah! Just sending you my office address. Come over here, I had a word and they're ready to interview you right now."

"Jesus, Horan, I don't even have my file with me and I'm not dressed for an interview." Keeping an eye out for the next turn to take a U-turn, he slows down a bit.

"Don't worry about it, it's nothing formal. You can send in your file later, they just want to see you talk and stuff."

"You sure?"

"Yeah! I'm sure Tommo, just get your arse over here. I've got to go now. When you get here, ask to see Liam at the front desk, he'll be taking your interview. Good luck mate."



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