Chapter 14

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Okay! So! I had a bit of inspiration, and I started writing a second fic as well. But I won't put that up till I finish this!
Now, this chapter has been written in an hour and twelve minutes. Without proofreading or editing from someone else. So this is just the work of Grammarly and me. I had a sort of breakdown in the middle because of something that I wrote, like I am not the reason for that happening XD

Hope you enjoy!

Let's fall in love- Finneas
Partners in crime- Finneas
Gasoline- HAIM ft. Taylor Swift


"Jesus fuck Styles! What is wrong with you?" Louis cried out, running out of Harry's office.

"You're here!" Harry said, following Louis to the loos.

"No shit Sherlock," Louis took off his shirt, Harry staring at his bare chest, "I don't think that warrants coffee being spit on me though."

"I... was just surprised! I wasn't expecting you for another week," he said moving his gaze towards Louis' face. A face with a smirk on.

"Yeah, I need to talk to you about that later. Shall we?" Putting his now clean shirt back on, he moved towards the offices again.

The intern was sitting at Louis' desk when they reached it.

"Hello, Louis here. You are?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Olivia. Harry's assistant," with a stiff smile, she turned towards Harry. "Your coffee is on the table, I threw out the other one."

Before Harry could get a word in, Louis was speaking again, "I got him that! It was rather fresh. Also, you're in my seat."

"Well, then you should have got black coffee for him, that's what he likes," earning herself a scoff from Louis, "and this is the place for his assistant, me."

"He hates black coffee, drinks it when he has no better options. Also, you're just an intern. I am the assistant. Move."

"Okay, that's enough. Olivia, get Liam. And tell Niall and Zayn that they're having lunch in my office today. Also, get their, Liam's and Louis' order for lunch and send someone to get it. I'll have whatever Louis here has. And you can go back to whatever you used to do before this week, from tomorrow," Harry interrupted in a rush before things escalated further. He turned towards Louis, who was smiling rather triumphantly at Olivia, "come on, we'll have that talk before they come."


"So you replaced me?" Louis said as soon as they were in Harry's office. He dropped on one of the chairs and looked at Harry with a hurt expression.

Harry just rolled his eyes, sitting behind the desk, "I needed someone to do your job. No need to be so territorial about it. Poor Olivia didn't see you coming. Anyway, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be back next week"

"Um yeah, about that. So, my mum is sick. Like really sick. And I might have to make more trips there for a long time, so I might need more off days. I came back early so, I don't lose my job to an intern." Louis' voice getting softer with every word.

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