Chapter 15

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You my friends, are at the same page as my ao3 readers. I have exactly 2100 hits on ao3 as of 7:31p.m. on 10 Aug 2021. DAMN!

Campus- Vampire Weeknd
Jealousy Jealousy- Olivia Rodrigo


"This sparkles," Louis said flatly.

"You look amazing though!" Harry beamed at him.

"But sparkles? Really Curly?"

"Niall, back me up!" Niall looked up from his phone, eyeing Louis. He meets Louis' eyes and smirks .

"You look dashing Lou," he finally says, smirk still in place, eyes glittering with mischief. Louis wants to smack it off his face. He settles for giving him a look. "You really do! Besides, you have sparkling socks and hoodie and sweats, so shush. Haz, go try on your suit now."

"Oh, I already did," he murmurs and turns away from behind Louis.

"Nope. We're here, might as well see you too. Go on, shoo."

"He's right. I'm sure your suit is not as ridiculous as mine."

Niall snorts at that, "oh you have no idea, Lou."

If looks could kill, Niall would probably be dead by the way Harry is shooting daggers at him.

"Go on then, Curly. We don't have the whole day!"

Harry hesitates for a second, looking between Louis and Niall, biting his lip, then heads towards his wardrobe. Taking out a garment bag he heads towards the ensuite.

Louis turns to the full-length mirror, twisting and turning, checking out every detail of him in this very fancy, very sparkly, probably definitely very expensive suit. He might admit very quietly, very secretly, only to himself that he does look good.

He's still looking at every little detail of him when the door opens and Harry walks out. And well, where's support when you need it? How does anyone expect Louis to not just collapse when Harry is just standing there in a sheer lace top. And how is Louis expected to function around him all evening when he's looking like that? Forget how, why is he expected to?

He is snapped out of his thoughts with Niall's loud whistling, which turns Harry a very pretty crimson shade.

"This is incomplete obviously. I still have to accessorize the whole thing, but yeah." He looks down, and then up at Louis, shyly. And Louis is staring back. Mouth wide open probably. This is not even his full fit. This is not fair in any way at all. Niall already showed his thoughts, time for Louis to speak, if only he could find his voice, thank you, please.

He clears his throat, " you, uh, look good. Amazing. Phenomenal. Pirate-y." Yes. That's good. He thinks. He hasn't looked at Harry's face, he should get to that. He looks at Harry's face, and he feels his face break into a smile. Because, Harry, dear sweet Harry, is beaming at him. And he's just a very pretty sight.



"Okay mum, I'll check that out. Yes, I'll send you pictures. No, I'll keep my phone on all the time, give me a call whenever. Okay, I have to go, We're boarding. Bye! I love you!" Louis cut the call, Harry and him making their way to the boarding area.

"So how is she doing?" Harry asked once both of them were settled in their seats. He had his head resting back on the headrest, turned towards Louis.

He stayed quiet for a while, busying himself with his seatbelt, Harry almost started apologizing when Louis finally whispered, "Mum says she's getting better, but it's a lie. Fizzy is beside herself every time we talk."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Harry whispered back, squeezing Louis' knee.

"Yeah, um, so what's the plan? Wait, I'm supposed to tell you , not the other way round. Hold on," he bends to get his bag out, "I have everything written somewhere, let me just-"

"I know the whole thing, don't worry about it," Harry chuckles, taking out a book, " just lay back and relax. You worry too much."


They land in Paris and Harry leads them towards baggage claim. After collecting their bags they head towards the exit, where Harry rushes towards a woman who is busy scrolling through her phone. Just as Harry reaches her, she looks up and breaks into a huge smile, pulling him into a hug. Louis takes his time reaching them and keeps his distance while Harry catches up with whatever-her-name-is.

"You're frowning," he whips his head around to a smirking Lottie.

"Am not. I just don't know her," he shrugs and hugs her.

"Sure buddy," she whispers to him before shouting, "Hey Harry! Hey Amelia! How are you?"

Harry and Amelia turn towards them and extends a hand towards Louis,

"you must be Louis. I am Amelia, She' s head in Paris. Lottie, it's good to see you again. Let's get you to your hotel."


By the time they reach the hotel, a massive-fucking-one, Louis is ready to hit the bed and never get up, or at least till the shows, which is two days away so it works.

"So I changed your room from a single suite to a double one. Louis and you can share it, and Lottie has the room beside yours., Amelia says as they head up to their floor.

"Why are you here?" Louis finally asks Lottie, a little too loud than what he intended.

"Later Lou." she says, turning to Harry, "so....Louis helps you out? Really?"

"I'm standing right here! Seriously?" Louis shouts as others burst into laughter.



Louis headed off to Lottie's room after dropping his luggage off in their suite, leaving Amelia with Harry.

"You didn't have to change our rooms, we would have been fine," Harry says, plopping beside Amelia.

"Really? Niall said you were pretty pissed at an intern for not making these changes," she says.

"Niall said that?" Amelia nodded, "wow. I'm going to kill him."

"Do that later. Tell me, why do you not like Louis? He seems really nice," she turns and sits with her legs crossed, looking at Harry.

"I- what? Don't like Louis? Who is telling you all this crap? I love Louis! He is amazing. The best, if he was any better or I liked him any better, I would- I would probably ask him. I'm going to kill Niall as soon as I see him." Harry rambles with a frown, staring straight ahead.

"Wow. Okay, gee Harry calm down. I think you would ask Louis out right now if you could," Amelia laughed. "Niall told me you had a crush but he says that all the time."

"Says what?" Of course, he comes in right now, Harry thought as Louis walks in and dumps himself on the seat beside his.

"Harry has a crush," Amelia chirps.

"Does he? Who is it?" He looks from a beaming Amelia to a tomato red Harry, "someone from the office?"

"Sort of. You probably know them the best though, right Harry?"

"It's no one. Shut up, Amelia." Harry finally says, turning to Louis, "Lottie settled in? Anything else she needs?"

Louis blinks a couple of times, "um yeah. She's fine. I'll, uh, head to bed, I think." He gets up and heads to his room.

"You idiot." Amelia sighs, calling room service for both if them.



Thank you for reading. I love you all.

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