Chapter 11

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I hope you like it

Alrighty Aphrodite- Peach Pit
Mr. Styles- Elena (I came across this song and it's sorta sweet, sorta hilarious)
Ribs- Lorde



Over the next few weeks, Harry did a lot of things, the most important to him being redesigning his office. Though, in the name of a redesign, he just shifted things around in a way that made it possible to stare at Louis through the glass wall separating them.

When Liam came into his office that morning, that is what Harry was lost into. Rolling his eyes, Liam went around the table and pinched Harry out of his ogling.

"Okay! Ouch! What'd you do that for?!" Harry cried.

"You're creepy, mate," he raised his eyebrow at Harry, "don't even deny it. Only pinching works. Ask him out already."

"I think he's with Noelle now. They seem very comfortable and touchy and lovely."

"Jealous much? Trust me. They're not together."

"What about Nick then? They hang out almost every day now!"

"Stop your crying! You know literally nothing about his love life! Stop assuming!"

Before Harry whine about something else, there was a knock at the door, a second later, Louis' head peeked in,

"Hey!" He nodded at Niall, then turned to Harry, "can I have a word, Harry?"

"I'll come back later," Niall got up, with a last look at Harry and a pat on Louis, he moved out.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Harry said breaking the silence.

"I have been working on a few pieces with Elle, and I would like to take you up on your offer too? About writing with you, I mean."

"Okay. When do you want to start?"

"You're free right now, maybe we could talk a bit? Just throw around ideas, get to know our thoughts and everything? If you're up for it."

"Sure! Sounds great. Want to talk here? Or grab a bite? I'm famished, to be honest."



The two had spent the rest of the afternoon talking about everything possible, and Louis had never been more surprised. He learned so many things about Harry that he wouldn't have otherwise, right from how he was trained in ballet to him dabbling in poetry and songwriting. Harry invited him to his house over the weekend to show said poetry.

They were in the middle of a debate about choosing the better adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, Louis saying 2005 version and Harry the 1995 version, when Louis phone chimed, alerting him with a message. He quickly read the message and cursed to himself.

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