Chapter 12

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I fucked up, I skipped a chapter. I'm sorry. Here's chapter 12 again, and then I'll update the next chapter too.
I am so sorry.
Song: Love Me- The 1975
Louis snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a squeeze on his thigh. He looked at Harry, eyes full of concern. Still a bit lost, he kept his gaze locked with Harry's.

"We're here," Harry whispered, breaking the silence. When Louis did not move for another minute, Harry gave his thigh another squeeze, "do you want me to keep you company?"

Louis gave a short nod, staring at the hand on his thigh. As Harry started to move it, Louis rushed and put his hand on top, giving it a short squeeze. And oh. Oh . Louis felt a sudden need to keep holding Harry's hand. He looked up at him, "does he feel it too?" screaming inside his head. Harry looked at him with slightly wide eyes and were those always so green with flecks of grey and gold and black?

Louis kept looking at Harry for a long, long time, taking in every detail of his face. The sharpness of his eyebrows, the way his hair was pushed back but not really, the shade of his lips, the jawline. And how had Louis never noticed this before? For months!

He took a long sigh and reluctantly let go, opening the door and stepping out. He waited for Harry to park, and the two together made their way towards the elevators. Once in the flat, Louis made his way towards his bedroom, Harry planting himself on the sofa.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Harry shouted in the general direction of Louis, his head popping out the door a second later.

"Do you plan on staying there? Come on in here! And could you make some tea? Yorkshire? It's there in the kitchen somewhere."

Louis called Lottie as he pulled up train schedules.

" Hey! How are you?"

"I'm fine. Fizzy called, mum's not well. I was just looking up tickets. When can you-"

" I'm almost there Lou," she said softly, " before you go all mad at Fiz or me, I was already supposed to be there today."

"Oh. Okay, yeah no problem, so I'll take the next available one. See you soon! Love you."

He cut the call without waiting for a response, staring at the laptop screen. That's how Harry found him when he entered with two cups of tea.

" Hey, everything okay?" He set the cups by the bedside table, sitting beside Louis, settling his hand on Louis' thigh. The only way Louis seemed to be brought out of his daze lately.

"Lottie is almost there. She says she was already planning the trip, but we met like last week! She said nothing!"

"C'mon Lous, I'm sure it slipped her mind. She has no reasons to keep anything from you."

"Mum could have relapsed. God, I hope she's fine."

"She is. Now, do you need my help with anything? Or I should just sit here, being my amazing self?"

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