Chapter 4

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A/N: Song- Love it if we made it- The 1975


"So those are the titles we have at She," Niall says, sipping from his bottle.

"I remember some of them from a site I read." Louis frowns, "Say, Neil, why did you get me to interview for the editorial assistant's position and not one of the writing ones?"

"Well, first, this was the only opening that came with a "title", and second, if you make it here for a year, at this position, you'll get almost any other job you'd want. It's a great deal to work at the magazine alone, it just becomes greater if you're working under Harry."

"Why? He has everyone else in the palm of his hands or something?" Louis snorts.

"Something like that yeah. He's," Niall sighs, " sort of a legend in the industry. You should ask Lottie about him sometime."

"A legend? How? Liam said that too. Did he invent some new fashion or something?"

"No, not new fashion" Niall roars. "But he is the youngest person ever to be at this position. He worked really hard for it."

"How "young" is he?" Louis asks out of curiosity.

"I think he'll be 28 or 29 soon."

"I see."

They sit in silence for a bit, Louis going through the last few issues of She. The bell to his flat rings and Niall gets up to get the food. They talk and drink and eat well into the night, Niall patiently answering all questions Louis has.

"Um, Niall?" Louis says softly, "Can I ask you for another help?"

"Sure Tommo, what is it?"

"Well, you know how Stan and I broke up a while back?"

"A year does not count as a while, Lou."

"Yeah, okay, a year." Louis says annoyed, "Well, I thought that if I do get this job, maybe I could move out, find a place-"

"You're still living with Stan?!" Niall shouts, hitting the table, nearly knocking down the empty beer bottles.

"Yeah? I know it's ridiculous, but I didn't exactly have any other choice, did I?"

"You could've talked to me earlier? Come on Lou, this is ridiculous."

"Yeah well, I'm asking you now!"

"Ugh, fine. Um, so you want a place of your own?"

"Well, yeah, but I don't mind a roommate? It would be good if someone shared the burden of bills and all."

"Okay, we can look for places once you are settled into the job. You can move in here for the time being? I'll have to ask Liam, but I don't think he would mind."

"Liam, the-guy-I'm-replacing-Liam?"

"Yeah, that's the one. We have three rooms here and you could get along with him too, get to know him and everything."

"O-kayyy, yeah I can do that. Tell me when you've talked to him?"



"What to wear, what to wear, what to wear today?" Louis sing-songs the next morning, his entire wardrobe either on the floor or his bed. Giving up, he calls Lottie.

"What are you doing up this early? Why are you making me look at your face?"

"Morning to you too assface. I need your help. Just help me look good please, I can't have any more judgy looks thrown my way."

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