Chapter 5

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A/N: Song for the chapter- Hungover Sunday- Christian French


"GOOD MORNING TOMMOO!" Niall shouts jumping on Louis.

"WHAT THE-" Louis jolts up and is hit by a pillow in the face.

"Come on Tommo get up, it's 8 already."

"Exactly! It's 8 a.m. on my day OFF in TWO weeks! Why would you do what you just did?! How are you even in my room?! Ugh, Niall! I just wanted to sleep in!" Louis cries out, burying his head in the pillow.

"Well, Stan let me in, and also you can sleep in tomorrow."

"Can't. Hawie has an earwy meefing."

"Yeah I got him to give you off, Payno will cover for you."

Louis lifts his head a bit at that, opening one eye, he looks at Niall, "why would he do that?"

"I told him you're moving, will be way too tired to keep your head upright."

"Moving? Where? I'm not moving."

"Well, you can't till you get up. Payno is out there fixing boxes for you to pack in. Get up get up get up get out of your bed." Niall sing songs, moving towards the dresser, he empties the first drawer on Louis' head.

Louis stares at him, fixed. Niall finishes emptying the dresser when Liam walks in with three cardboard boxes,

"Right, so, I don't know what things to pack in the kitchen. Morning Louis," Liam says, putting the boxes at the end of the bed, " so I guess Lou can go do that while we do his room?"

"Why are we doing this again? Where am I moving?"

"Oh come on Louis! You're such a daft! Remember how I told you, I'll ask Liam if you can stay with us till you find someplace else?" Louis nods, "yeah, so Liam said you can stay with us more permanently, and either way, you'd have to move your stuff in, so get moving!"


"Yeah. Oh."

"Thanks, guys."

"Just get out in the kitchen," Niall says, separating the things into different boxes.


It takes the three of them four hours to pack up every last bit of Louis, and another hour transferring the boxes into the moving truck.

"Who knew Stan only ever got himself a bed and chest?" Louis speaks when they're finally in Niall's car, heading towards Camden Town.

"Well, it's nice of you to leave him the couch and the t.v. and the fridge and everything else you did." Liam laughs out.

"He wouldn't need them at our place mate," Niall utters, "We got it all."

"I'd just put it in storage. At least they'll be utilized this way."


When they reach their building, the three head to a diner for a late brunch. After, brunch they head back and start unloading the van. Setting up the room isn't as big a task, as packing it up was. Liam had suggested loading up everything in a way, in which the necessities could be unpacked first. By six in the evening, every box is unpacked and everything put away.

"Liam, you already helped me with all this, you don't have to cover for me too," Louis speaks.

The three boys are on the couch, eating out of take out boxes.

"It's no problem. Today was your first day off, and it went like this. I start Monday anyway. I'll have two more days after. So chill out, you'll need tomorrow anyway. Once I back out you have to make a lot of arrangements," Liam shrugs.

"What do you mean you start Monday? I thought you were with me for two more weeks?" He sits up, reaching into Niall's box for a piece of chicken, the latter swatting it away.

"Yeah, I am but for those two weeks, I need to get a hang of my new position too. You can come to me whenever, but I won't be hovering around all the time. It's just you and Harry now. Do you want some chicken? I'm done."

Louis jumps at the box before Niall can even move, "so isn't tomorrow's meeting important? It's for the next month's issue no?"

"Yes it is, but I'll fill you in when we get back. And if you're so adamant, I'm sure Harry won't turn you away if you do come in tomorrow."



"Good Morning Liam!" Harry smiles up at him as he enters, "ready for today?"

"Hey! Morning! Yeah ready. Louis is getting the stuff you asked for."

"Louis? He's not supposed to come in today." Not that I mind.

"Yeah, he didn't want to sleep in. Insisted even, so," Liam shrugs, settling down beside Harry.


"What are these?"

Louis blinked up at Harry, "skirts?" Eyes darting between the clothes, Harry and Liam.

"Tutu skirts. These are tutu skirts. I asked for bells."

"You.... didn't specify?"

"Do you have a phone? And Liam's or my number? And a brain? Couldn't have just called and asked?"

"These are pretty too!"

Yes, they are.


"Okay Harry, calm down, I'll send one of the interns and get it changed. Louis, check Harry's schedule and move the meeting forward." Liam interjects, sending a small smile to Louis, who has his eyes set on the floor.

"Okay, yeah. Um. Sorry," he says finally looking up at Harry as he leaves the room.

"Yikes Harry, chill out a bit? He's still getting into it."

"I know," he sighs, "but we're already running behind schedule. He just had to call and ask."

"And yelling at Louis won't speed us up. That meeting was anyway scheduled for tomorrow. We're right on time with that at least."

"I should apologize right?"

"Let it go this time, I'll talk to him"


A/N: Thank you for reading!

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