Chapter 9

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Song for the chapter: Step- Vampire Weekend


When the trio stepped inside the pub, all of them swept the whole room looking for the other two. Louis was the one to spot them first,

"Over there," he said leading the way. Zayn looked up when they were by the table.

"Louis! Sit with me!" He shouted over the loud music, Niall sitting beside Liam and Harry between Louis and Niall.

When they had given their orders, they slipped into casual conversation, Surprisingly for Louis, they talked about everything but fashion.

Zayn and Louis were in the middle of a debate about the best football team in England when Niall interrupted.

"We should play a game, break Louis in, have a little fun."

"Play a game? Niall, what are we? 12?" Louis spoke.

"Sod off Tommo, we can spice things up. What say, boys?" He turned to the others. All of them nodded, producing a loud groan from Louis.

"Awesome, let's play never have I ever, fashion edition, everyone familiar?" another nod from the table, "okay great, but the twist is if you have done a thing, the person to your left takes a shot."

Everyone quickly looked to their right, a burst of laughter erupted, as Niall tried catching the attention of a server, ordering shot glasses and a bottle of tequila. Louis looked around in confusion, everyone had their eyes on him, except Harry. He had his head bent down, shoulders shaking with his attempt at controlling his laughter.

"Well, good luck Tommo, and Zayn you lucky, lucky, lucky bastard," Liam shouted, "Let's start!"

The first few rounds were easy, but as the game progressed, Louis was the only one taking shots.

"Oh for God's sake, Niall! Did you have to do this to me?" Louis slurs, "at this rate I'm gonna pass out in a round or two, good luck dealing with me."

"Well, I doubt dealing with a passed out you is going to be a problem," Harry quips.

"Shut up Harold. You take care of me if I pass out, considering you're the reason I am in this state. Also, why the fuck have you tried on a sports bra?!"

"I wouldn't mind taking care of you," he laughed, "the four of us, we bet a lot. I usually lose, that's why you're in this state. Now, Niall, go on."

Louis' groan brings out everyone's laughs.



"So he wasn't kidding when he said he'll pass out soon," Zayn speaks, the only sober person on the table.

"Well, he's all yours for the night Harry, take him home," Niall smirks, getting up and stumbling into Liam.

"Yeah, can you? Take him home? Please? I can't handle two of these," Liam pleads, Harry just nods. Getting up himself, reaching out for Louis, picking him up bridal style.

Outside, Harry sets Louis down on a bench to call a cab. Harry's house is not far from the pub, but the weather has been getting colder as the end of October approaches. That and he is no way sober enough to trek over with a person in his arm. Agreed, a small person, but still. Soon the car is waiting for them, Harry picks Louis up again and carefully, sits him in the back seat in a sitting position, sliding in immediately after. He gives the driver his address.

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