Chapter 2

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Okay, so a couple of things that I forgot in the previous chapter:

The concept is loosely taken from The Devil Wears Prada and Two Weeks Notice.
I do not own any of the boys, I don't want to hurt any feelings and every song used here belongs to the original artists.
I have this posted on AO3 as well.

Song for the chapter: Kiwi- Harry Styles.


A lot of traffic and an excruciating search for parking later, Louis is standing in front of Courthill House. It's an old building of sorts, all brick walls and huge windows. The lower floor along both sides has various stores. At one corner is the entryway, Louis heads in there, coming up to a small reception area. Niall asked him to tell them he's here for She, at that he is told to head to the penthouse suits and is pointed towards the elevators.

The elevators open to a small reception area with a glass partition that opens into the whole office space. From what he can see, the area is full of small cubicles, with larger offices and rooms lining them. He heads to the reception.

"Hey! I'm here to meet Liam?" Louis says to the one on the right.

She looks up at him, sizes him up, with a surprised look and a raised eyebrow,


"Louis Tomlinson"

She dials a number, "Hey Liam, there's someone by the name of Louis Tomlinson here for you?"

Listening to whatever Liam has to say, she puts the phone down, "Please wait here, he'll be here in a moment." and with that, she gets back to whatever she was doing.

Louis takes the time to look around, the reception area has huge windows too, letting in a lot of light from outside, the interior is mostly off-white, with soft lights.

His phone buzzes, taking it out he sees its a message from Niall.

Are you there?

Before Louis can respond, a man comes into the reception area. Looking around his eyes settle on Louis, and he has the same reaction as the receptionist.

"Louis? Tomlinson?"

"Yup that's me. You're Liam, I take it?" The man in question gives a slow nod. He is fit, dressed in all black, hair up in a quiff.

"Right, so no offence, but is Niall fucking with me?" Liam says with an irritated tone.


"Nevermind, come along." He leads them in the office area, taking a left, they head down towards the huge offices, he stops right outside the corner office. Outside the office is a desk, which Liam takes and motions Louis to sit opposite to him.

"So, I am Liam Payne, Harry's assistant. I'll -"

"Um...Who's Harry?" Louis is sure he should not have asked that, the look Liam gives him is, well, has stunned him to silence.

"Did you really just ask me who Harry is? You want to work for him and you don't know him. Great. Let me just call up Niall and thank him for wasting my time."

"Look mate, I have no clue about the whole industry okay? But Niall obviously had a reason for sending me here, how about we talk business?" Louis is beyond annoyed at this point. Gonna chew Niall's ear off as soon as I'm out, he resolves to himself.

This little outbreak is clearly not what Liam was expecting,

"Right, uh, right, okay." He takes a deep breath and continues, "Okay so, Harry is the editor in chief for the magazine. Not to mention a legend."

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